Songs about fictional people

Romeo and Juliet - Indigo Girls

Romeo and Heathcliff - “No Myth,” by Michael Penn
Romeo and Juliet, Sampson and Delilah - “Fire” by The Pointer Sisters (?)

Frankenstein - Edgar Winter Group
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
The Vampire Lestat - Moon over Bourbon Street - Sting

Isn’t this about werewolves in general?

I am Iron Man.

I thought about that too, but apparently that’s a different iron man for copyright reasons…

“Carlotta Valdez” – Harvey Danger (based on Vertigo)
Good tune, too.

Charlie Brown — the Coasters

Superstar (Jesus)— Andrew Lloyd Webber

Not the same as the comic strip character.

You’re a good man Charlie Brown — Clark Gesner

Ramble On by Led Zepplin has a verse that mentions Gollum.

You know any non-fictional werewolves? :smiley:

I’m not sure if this counts, but the Cure song, Killing an Arab is based on the Albert Camus novel, the Stranger and is sung from the persepctive of Meursault.

Don’t Stand So Close to Me - The Police

It’s no use
He sees her
He starts to shake and cough
just like the
old man in
that book by Nabakov

“old man in that book by Nabakov” = Humbert Humbert, thr protagonist of Lolita

“Quinn the Eskimo”? – Bob Dylan


The song title is a reference to the movie Werewolf of London, ergo, it refernces a specific character.

Ta da! :stuck_out_tongue:


Superman (It’s Not Easy), by . . . . I can’t think of the band right now.

Cat’s In The Cradle – Harry Chapin (Silver Spoon, Little Boy Blue, Man in the Moon)

Who does the song Daria refer to?

If you’re alluding to the animated show “Daria,” I believe the CAKE song predates the show by a year or two.

I’ll add:

Barenaked Ladies - “One Week” - Mentions Aquaman and Sailor Moon.