Songs Inspired by movies

Most of the lyrics in “The Union Forever” by The White Stripes are quotes from Citizen Kane.

“Well, sure I’m C.F.K/But you gotta love me/The cost, no man can say/But you gotta love me.
Well, I’m sorry but I’m not/Interested in gold mines/Oil wells, shipping or real estate/Yeah, what would I like to have been?/Everything you hate”

Here’s one for Magnum Force

Richard Thompson and Peter Filleul scored the 1991 movie “Sweet Talker” for Director Michael Jenkins.

Two years later, Thompson, Filleul, and Tim Finn wrote lyrics for one of the score’s themes and arranged it as a very nice track that appeared on Finn’s 1993 studio album as “Persuasion.” Thompson often performs it live and it has appeared on several of his live albums. It’s a fan favorite.

Given that The X Files has had both television and movie releases, I guess this counts either way: