Songs that seemingly never end

Ha. Different song. But you knew that…

Crazy Game of Poker - OAR

I think it might have just been a jam session recorded on the fly because eventually the singer sings something like “But now I’m just struggling, I don’t even know what to say anymore…” and then they just keep on jamming.

“I got my mind set on you.
I got my mind set on you.
I got my mind set on you.
I got my mind set on you.”

They’re actually repeat offenders.

I can’t, I can’t
I can’t stand losing
I can’t, I can’t
I can’t stand losing
I can’t, I can’t
I can’t stand losing
I can’t, I can’t
I can’t stand losing
I can’t, I can’t
I can’t stand losing
I can’t, I can’t
I can’t stand losing…

Agreed. It’s a very nice piano melody, but it’s way out of place.

I too hate the ending to Layla. Should have killed it when the rockin’ part ended.

But I don’t mind Weird Al Yakovic’s parody of it, This Song is just Six Words Long.

Or, as Weird Al aptly put it, “This song is just six words long/this song is just six words long/this song is just six words long/this song is just six words long…”

Although, of course, he was wrong. Even the original is seven words long…

This is the song that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
Then they couldn’t stop because…

Liz Phair’s Supernova has a ending where it sounds like the needle is stuck.

A Horse with No Name

Sometimes, the DJ, needs to drop a deuce. OK?

I think “Hey Jude” and “Atlantis” started the endless-coda trend. Bowie picked up on this with “Memory of a Free Festival” and used it (to good effect, IMO) on a number of other songs, notably “Starman”. (I was in the car with my daughter last night and was flipping through the stations and caught the end of this song… she said “Real meaningful song there” and I explained about 1970s endless codas.)

I can’t stand Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Susie Q. That same guitar lick over and over and over again with the same four completely boring lines sung over and over again with the words Susie Q interlaced within the lyrics approximately 760 times. Well, at least it feels like that much. I don’t know how long the song is and I’m too lazy to check, but with how repetitive it is, it seems to never end.

I heard one just today and had the same thought.

I’m getting closer to my home…

The lyrics might have seven words, but the title is just “Got My Mind Set on You.” And Weird Al’s is “This Song’s Just Six Words Long.” At the risk of sounding terribly uncool, the Harrison song was the first song I can remember considering to be my favorite song. I listened to the cassette single over and over again until it somehow got “lost.” (I still suspect my dad of destroying it so he didn’t have to hear it anymore.)

I’m so glad to hear that there are other people who don’t like the end of “Layla.” It seems like everyone I know prefers the code, probably because of its association with Goodfellas.

After listening to it a million times, I somehow only recently noticed how repetitive the ending of TMBG’s “Birdhouse in Your Soul” is.

She’s a Brick, House…

I Need a Lover That Won’t Drive Me Crazy

Foreigner’s Cold As Ice.
Back when it was getting a lot of airplay, I had a friend who’d add his own jams during the endless end. He always had me in hysterics.

You’re as cold as ice [so cold so cold]
You’re as cold as ice [soooo fuckin’ cold]
You’re as cold as ice [you freezin’ baby]
You’re as cold as ice [popsicle love]
You’re as cold as ice [feet like cubes]
You’re as cold as ice [hand me my gloves]
You’re as cold as ice [my teeth are chatterin’]
You’re as cold as ice [no fire, just ice]
You’re as cold as ice [I scream for ice]
You’re as cold as ice [brrrrrrr]