Songs You Can't Get Rid Of....

Does it make anyone else sad that Depeche Mode and the Smiths’ songs are in TV commercials now?? I feel old.

So in 20 years, we’re going to hear Nine Inch Nails doing ads for the Home Depot? Marilyn Manson for Revlon?

It just goes to show you that even aging New-Wavers have a price sigh.

The Song That Doesn’t End, hereafter to be known as that song or the song from hell.

Your Official Cat Goddess since 10/20/99.

“Ice Ice Baby” is permanently lodged in my brain… It’s reached the point where I will start humming/singing it softly and not even realize that I’m doing so. I also will recite the whole thing, word for word, on command.

Kat are you refering to the Lou & Peter Berryman song by that name?

Lanna, Yay!I LOVE that song!I dont even Know the words! :smiley: All I hear in stores is that song by some young guy group,I think it’s called I Want It That Way.

I only saw this awful video once, so I don’t know who sings it or the name of the song, but I keep hearing the line “If you steal my sunshine” over, and Over and OVER! Arrrgh!

Every time a certain local DJ plays “Steal My Sunshine,” he bitches about how much he thinks that song sucks, but he has to play it because all these chicks call up to request it. He sounds so bitter, and it cracks me up every time.

The song I can never get out of my head is Safety Dance. Even mentioning the title will put it in my head unless I’m listening to some other music to distract me.

Oh, and some new song (I think it was by Bush) sounded so vaguely like “Father Figure” by George Michael that I’ve had it stuck in my head all day (“Father Figure,” not the Bush song). Now THAT’S a strange song for a 21-year-old female to go around singing…

Band on the run ,band on the run
And the jailer man and sailor Sam
Were searching everyone
For the band on the run (widerr badoo derr doo doo)
Band on the run (widerr badoo derr doo doo)

Paul McCartney’s entire post-Beatle career can be summed up by the phrase “bland on the run”…

Modest? You bet I’m modest! I am the queen of modesty!

I also agree that “Istanbul” sticks in the mind. As for “Steal My Sunshine” – I also saw the video only once – it was hogging up so much of my mental resources that I downloaded a MP3 version and played it until I was sick of it.

I think there are certain tunes that sound familiar the first time you hear them. Gary Numan’s “Are Friends Electric?” went immediately into my brain.

The same goes for another song that somebody mentioned: Devo’s “Whip It”. Man, I still love that tune! Whip it good!

In a related matter, I had a silly-sounding tune running through my brain for decades (I’m 42 now) and thought it was something I’d cooked up when I was a child. I finally discovered it was the theme from a movie (“An American in Paris”, I think). Somehow it helped knowing that I didn’t invent that bouncey jingle.

I’ll second (or third or fourth, whatever) that “Steal My Sunshine” song. Good lord! I HATE that song!

The other day I was listening to one of the classic rock stations and they played “Lola.” I like that song, but once I hear it I not only can’t get rid of it, I’m compelled to SING it. For two days I walked around my house singing that song. To myself. At one point, I believe there was even a special little dance move.

Well, if you ever run across me IRL, all you have to do is say the word. I’ll sing it over, and over, and over, and over, and over again… By the time I finally shut up, you won’t be able to help knowing the words.

That would be by the Backstreet Boys. Oh, and the “Steal My Sunshine” song is by Len, I believe.

McCartney’s “C-Moon” and Billy Joel’s “Don’t Ask Me Why” are two of those songs that just stick in your mind for a couple days.

Hey now, you’re an all-star,
Get your game on,
Go play…

Plus I ended up buying the second Dazed & Confused soundtrack just so I could listen to “No More Mr. Nice Guy” & get it out of my head. The difference is that I really like “No More Mr. Nice Guy” & the other song really annoys the bejeezus out of me.

“All you need to be a superhero is a heart that is pure, a mind that
is strong, and underwear that is fresh!”

~Dav Pilkey

Phobia–I have no idea who sings it, but it goes like this:

This is the song that does not end
It goes on and on, my friend
Some people started singing it now knowing what it was
And they’ll continue singing it forever, just because…(repeat)

Excuse me now while I find a brick wall to pound my head on until I lose the song.

Whooa, whoa, whoa who, for the longest time …

Gad, I HATE that song…and every other miserable Billy Joel song. Yet it stays with me, for days and days…

That’s when I’m not humming “Oh, what a night…late December, back in '63…”

Catrandom, victim of cheesy nostalgia songs

Steal my sunshine is by Len, and I have to scream every time it comes on the radio. Now I keep a Dead Kennedy’s tape in my car just in case it comes on.

Jello Biafra’s voice can destroy any endless innane song loop.

Magnificent to behold - Greatly to be praised.

That’s from the Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop show (Lamb Chop’s Play-Along); you know, the woman with the sock-puppet sheep? They still played it once in a while when I was little.

“Happiness is nonetheless true happiness because it must come to an end, nor do thought and love lose their value because they are not everlasting.”

  • Bertrand Russell

Personally, I liked it better when Brak sang it on “Cartoon Planet”.

LOL! “Oh What a Night” is my sister-in-law’s most hated song in all the world. I always thought it was about someone’s prom or something innocent. (So I’m naive!!!) She’s like “what a lady what a night?” It’s about some guy getting laid!!! Every time my husband and I hear it we bust out laughing!

their’s = there’s
Ity Bity = Itty Bitty
Brookes = Brooks, but since it should be spelled Alan Jackson, what, the heck :wink:

Otherwise, I agree totally with your statement…

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The following advice is not intended to replace recommendations from your personal physician.

When I have a song that I hate, but can’t turn off in my mind, I start singing “Can’t Get Her Out Of My Head” by ELO. Loudly. Badly, too, but oh, well. I can’t get it out of my head, either, but it beats “Skyrockets in flight, Afternoon Delight” by a long shot!

Sue from El Paso