Songs you finally understand

I’ve mentioned a gospel song titled “Rusty Old Halo,” before; for about 50 years I thought it was one of the saddest things I ever heard–some poor soul goes to heaven but his raiments are rags. :frowning: But when I finally found the lyrics, on the Internet, it turned out the “poor soul” was a stingy rich man now getting his comeuppance. I didn’t have to cry anymore…

Like Cliff and Norm? :wink:

Many of Joel’s songs are autobiographical. He wrote “Piano Man” when he was just starting his career, and was actually working as a lounge pianist. Most of the people he encountered found their way into the song.

That’s a bit of a stretch. I suppose one could force ambiguity into the sentence structure and read it that way, but the natural pacing of the paragraph reads

Paul is a real-estate- novelist, who never had time for a wife.
And Paul is talking with Davy, the guy who is in the navy and probably will be for life.

You may have seen it here on the SDMB, as I believe I’ve made this point before. :slight_smile:

I interpret that line as being a shot at the sort of self-righteous, self-satisfied Christians who brag about how holy they are, although it may well have been something Greenbaum dashed off without much thought.

My interpretation has been that the song is a semi-biographical story about Springsteen’s trying to make it in the music business. The Boss himself is the “teenage diplomat”, the “madman drummers, bummers, and Indians in the summer” are the E Street Band, and the “silicone sister”, “go-kart Mozart”, the “dude from Scotland Yard”, etc. are various producers, agents, and publicists he had to deal with.

Anyway, a few of my “Oh, THAT’S what that song is about!” moments;

Sunshine Of Your Love - I always mishead the lyric “give you my dawn surprise” as “give you my dull surprise”. Once I got it right I realized it was about having sex in the morning.

Rock You Like a Hurricane - Pretty much exactly the same thing.

25 or 6 to 4 - Took me forever to realize that it’s NOT about “drugs, man” like so many people had told me it was.

Somebody That I Used To Know - It was pretty obvious it was a breakup song, but I didn’t pick up on the subtext until I saw the video.

Bohemian Rhapsody - Read what it was supposed to be about in a newspaper article in 2004 about the music of Queen being legalized in Iran.

There Is A Mountain - Read about the meaning on Wikipedia. Apparently it’s a Zen thing.

What subtext would that be?

Cans you 'spillane?

Although I had been a Pearl Jam fan since 1992, and had an inkling about the meaning of Yellow Ledbetter, I learned the full meaning in 2008 at a Vedder solo concert in Newark NJ:

The video makes it much clearer that the man in the relationship is every bit aqs much of a jerk as he’s accusing the woman of being - the second time the chorus comes around, rather than being accusatory, he’s being defensive.