Sovereign Citizens-- Please tell me this is fake

Fine. Let’s universe this place.

Where do you put the gold fringe on a universe?

On Princess Leia’s bikini, obviously.

He waived his rights when he broke the law. It’s called punishment. And since when are cowboy hats, boots and guns “religious garments”???

For a bad ass Western gunslingin’ outlaw, he sure sounds like a whiner, doesn’t he.

What law? He did not consent!

There’s a lot of that going around.

He was acquitted in a trial. The Bundy people have nothing to do with the sovereign citizen movement. That’s what I don’t understand. The Bundy’s are supposed to be sovereign citizens, but in real life, their defense was in line with typical legal conventions. I could see people saying that the Bundy’s are sovereign citizens, and if they go to trial they’ll be nuts, but they have gone to trial and were not nuts.

Bundy was actually making a statement on how those accused of crimes are denied their rights. This is a big problem in our society. Many people, especially poor people, often sit in jail for months before they are given a trial for victimless crimes. Hearing their stories was one of the saddest parts of my time in jail. Hardee har har.

I assume by “religious garments” he meant the underwear Mormons wear as part of their faith.

ROJAN: There is an gold fringe at the rim of your galaxy.
KIRK: Yes, I know. We’ve prevented joinder.

That is awesome.

When a captain and spaceship and docking are involved, invoking maritime law must surely be a formality, even if we don’t have access to a Romulan Fringing Device.

But he did try out some SovCit arguments.

It can’t be punishment; he hasn’t been convicted yet.

Be that as it may, even you, our resident anti-government crusader-in-chief, presumably don’t think it’s bad that people aren’t allowed guns or “freedom of movement” in jail.

I stand corrected. Let’s call it detainment, prior to trial.

Still, he really thinks people under criminal investigation and “holding” should be allowed to have guns in jail???

Still on the mark:

“Some people believe with great fervor preposterous things that just happen to coincide with their self-interest.” Coleman v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue (7th Cir. 1986), 791 F.2d 68, 69.

No, but – and this is what takes him into Sov Cit territory – he wants to be an obnoxious PITA to the system.

In that case, he was a resounding success. <applause>

Bumped for a guy trying to sovereign his way out of having murdered his pregnant girlfriend and a police officer.

“So this really exists?” I think I read that 300,000 Americans have bought into the sovereign citizen creed; 100,000 of those are hardcore. :eek: FBI regards this collection as a much more serious terrorist threat than all the Muslims on the continent. (But it’s not a priority for Trumpforcement of course, since stupidity is one of their major constituencies: our new President has declared “I love the poorly educated!”)

The judge just kind of sighed and said “This shit again?”.