Speculation time: What will Iraq's surprising "non-conventional" act be?

In fact, it looks like the ‘unconventional’ attack was to send a bunch of people with bombs strapped to them against the armed forces.

The Americans killed over 100 of them, and took no losses of their own.

Suicide bombers work against civilians, and checkpoints with infantrymen walking around. To send them against armored columns is, well, suicide. And not much else.

I just heard one of the embedded reporters on the radio (sorry, don’t remember his name) responding to the Iraqi Minister’s claim that they’ve reclaimed the airport. According to the reporter, he has not seen an Iraqi at the airport in the last 24 hours who was not dead or in handcuffs. He said he hadn’t even heard any artillery. He summed it up by saying something to the effect of, if the Iraqis have retaken the airport, then it’s difficult to see any edence that would support this. Bottom line, Kitfox, you might want to rethink your policy of relying on the Iraqi Minister of Information for your news.

*ChaosGod : * US bombing and shelling has killed aprox. 800 civilians so far,… men, women and children. Where, pray tell me,… are the morals… in that ?

**Bordelond : For the sake of argument, I’ll accept your numbers. **

Not me.
Pray tell yourself** ChaosGod**, where did you get your figures?

OK. Now ask, “How many of these casualties were deliberate.?”

OK. Now ask, “How many Iraqi civilians were deliberately killed by the Iraqis thugmen? And as to these genocidal atrocities, to whom will you address your high moral complaints?”

Sounds like an excellant way to make your gun jam/explode. That ground beef won’t be frozen for long in 100 degree heat.

I think your being whooshed. It’s pretty obvious to me that Kitfox is joking. I mean, the Iraqi information minister says they destroyed 5 columns & then says they destroyed 4 vehicles. Then Kitfox says they were apparently pretty small columns.

I had a small chuckle.

Well, it was a pretty small joke.

The point is, though, that the innovative nonconventional strategy has already happened, and was instrumental in doing something that didn’t happen.

Figures… here

How many were deliberate? The US government knew there were going to be a huge number of civilian casualties? Yes. They didn’t care? Nope. They weren’t americans anyway, so what the heck.

Your website seems a little confused. It calls itself a body count, but only includes the number of casualties, not deaths. While “casualty” includes deaths, it also means injury and just missing.

Hell, even the Iraqis, who would benefit greatly from inflating these numbers, only admit to 400 civilians killed.

And the Americans seem to be going though great pains to reduce if civilian casualties. But hey, they are only Americans, who cares, right?

wow… maybe your right. They are quite vague about their purpose…

This is a human security project to establish an independent and comprehensive public database of media-reported civilian deaths in Iraq resulting directly from military actions by the USA and its allies in 2003

Kitfox-- YOU seem a little confused… the website CLEARLY states that is is reporting the minimum and maximum reported DEATHS of civilians-- not ‘casualities’… where the hell did you get that???

…also where did you get that the Iraqis were only reporting 400 civilian deaths? They were saying 400 about a week ago… not today.

Heh, quite possibly.

I read this:

and appearently took it to mean they used casualty reports and called them deaths. I’m not sure they haven’t done this, but I’ll cheerfully back off the accusation.

And since I now can’t even find what Iraq said last night about civilian deaths, I’m gonna back off that too.

Which sucks, 'cause I really don’t trust that site.

Got that from the CNN crawler last night. But as I said, I can’t verify it, and I could be misremembering, so let’s just forget that post happened…

Isn’t the Internet great? Pretty easy to find a “cite” that backs up just about any position one takes, no matter how contradictory. By the way, this isn’t directed to anybody in particular. If you dig, and I haven’t the inclination just right now, I’m sure you could find a “cite” which would show how many Saddam himself has murdered.

<debate off>

Does anybody know where I can find casualty statistics on US/Brit soldiers on the net ?
Reliable, or otherwise?

<debate on>

Try http://www.iraqometer.com?


Weird site though.

CNN.com has whole section, complete with pictures of the allied casualties.

And, I just saw again on CNN that Iraqi TV reports 420 civilians dead, with some 4000 wounded. I still can’t find on their site, though.