ST:DS9: Did the Prophets even give a rat's ass about Bajor?

I always liked the interpretation that though the Prophets are outside of our time, it’s not that they exist outside of all time, just linear time - specifically, they have a continuum with more than one temporal dimension, allowing them some ability to control how they move through them.

As far as misunderstandings, I’d say that there were some on both sides, but I do think that for most of the Prophet sequences in “The Emissary”, they truly were trying to fathom Sisko’s nature, including what time was like for us. I don’t think he misinterpreted that.

And I always loved that breakthrough moment of Sisko’s:
“So you choose to exist here. It is not linear.”
“No, it’s not linear.”

Their power within the wormhole could be pretty kick-ass. I think it was many episodes after ‘Sacrifice of Angels’ that I realized that the deus ex machina that the Prophets pulled that time was an ongoing effect, not a one-shot: that they were still barring Dominion reinforcements from passing through the wormhole, and (IIRC) allowing the good guys to pass freely. Best of both worlds, all the effectiveness of mining the wormhole without the inconvenience.

Now I liked that. Q was helping Paris and company to use Q weapons while treating them like percussion lock rifles and shooting at people.

You might want to look again, and make sure those aren’t phazers. Dilithium crystals have no place in a phaser.

And how I can lure him into a False Sense of Security when folks are helping him out? Hmmm? :dubious: