"Standard" Milk. (Non-Homogenized, whole milk)

As a kid staying on the dairy farms of relatives, I frequently had “fresh from the cow” milk. (Sometimes even using ice cubes to cool it down.) Some flecks on top (which would stick to the side of the glass), but nothing thick enough to be noticed. OTOH, the milk was usually kept in a large pitcher with a wide mouth, less of a bottleneck ;).

Maybe there’s more separation once it’s been sitting for a good while.

I’d throw it (well, the whole bottle, really) into my ice cream machine with some sugar and flavors (chocolate), maybe some nuts or something… I’d make some supremo outstanding ice scream with that little cream plug.

Mmmmm… ice scream. :: drool ::

Well to be fair, we generally didn’t use “homo” to refer to homosexuals back in the late 70s and 80s. They were gay, fairy, queer, fag/faggot, but very seldom just “homo.”

I’m not saying it was frowned against to make fun of homosexuality back then, just that we used words other than “homo” to do it.

In all the “Little House on the Prarie” books the milk pans were not supposed to be disturbed while the cream was rising.