Star Trek Discovery season 5

Legal pads must cost alot more than I thought if they’re high quality enough to last 1100 years. :roll_eyes:

So this season we’ve learned that it’s very important to risk the fate of the universe because you might damage a sacred site and we’ve learned it’s very important to respect a dead random robot by notifying his next of kin, but respect the whistlepeople’s core cultural belief? Michale Burnham says fuck that, and fuck the Prime Directive.

At least Michael got some extra-quiet whispering done this week.

Don’t forget that she also showed more respect to a pair of cloaked dragons that were intent on killing her. She clearly has some deep seated prejudice about people that whistle. I have a neighbour who whistles in his garden quite often, maybe I should try destroying his core beliefs rather than just sighing and rolling my eyes.

In her defence, the Prime Directive was already pretty much in shreds as far as these people were concerned. They wouldn’t have even existed nor had that core belief if someone hadn’t meddled with them centuries prior. They were already a cargo cult, she just tried to remove those false idols to allow them to develop along more natural lines.

Can’t believe I forgot that one.

At least this was yet another totally original idea born solely in the Discovery writers room that has absolutely, positively, never ever, ever been done on Star Trek before.

Also, like her half-marathon win in season 2, Tilly wins another demanding endurance race.

So I’ve checked out so much all i have is this thread and a teeny bit of hypothesizing on X

  1. Is this season ignoring the fact that the Mirror Tholians, in pulling the Defiant back in time, turned their entire timeline upside down? We see that Space Hitler has very advanced tech and they conquered the galaxy. Makes perfect sense. But everything we see in TOS and DS9 shouldn’t have happened.

I mean it doesn’t matter. Broken Bow and In a Mirror Darkly (Much less so) gave the producers carte blanche to do what they want and say “New timeline!!”

  1. Some people are asking if David Cronenberg (The best thing i ever saw in DISCO) is a Q. I pondered if he’s Future Guy and how cool it would be for Bakula to cameo.

also, I understand there was a ‘pronoun shoutout’…really, as we understand Universal Translators…they should be programmed for YOU to hear what you need to rather then make someone else say it. Or else with a kajillion different species and cultures, chaos would rule.

well, that was disappointingly bad.

I hate to keep hating on this show - I mean, I am still watching it until the bittersweet end hoping that this has some sort of reasonable payoff.

It looks like there will be a balance due.

We can remove the armed guards as we have a containment field around the prisoners. But we’ll just drop the field at the first sign of trouble. What’s the worst that could happen?

A holographic doctor could walk through force fields without any problems.

Now that you mention it, unless I am forgetting something, there seems to be a lack a sentient Holography in the 32nd Century so it would seem our poor Doctor was an evolutionary dead end.

Side note: I kept wondering if the copy of the Doctor from the episode Living Witness would make a cameo in Discovery because the timeline lines up well but I guess they decided not to do that. Or maybe they will, there is still a little time left.

Fake spoiler alert —

The Doctor will make a cameo in an upcoming episode in which we learn he is actually Kirk’s step-brother.

Due to a chronomimetic decompensation of the EMH’s type-R phase repeating discriminator, the Doctor’s vocal algorithm can no longer speak above a whisper level and his holographic emotion matrix is stuck in a perpetually crying time loop.

Also, because of inverted tachyons overloading his Heisenberg fuckleducks, the Doctor will feel an urgent need to hug and sensitively reassure crew members that their feelings are very important, but only when the ship is under attack.

At least I hope those are fake spoilers. Never count the Discovery writing room out of walking down the stupidest path.

Admit it - you ARE one of the writers for Discovery!

I guess my secret’s out. I’m from the stupid mirror universe where everything that happens on Discovery makes sense.

Don’t forget several minutes of everyone looking meaningfully at each other.

That’s quality television!

Another episode resolved by Michael’s tears and self enlightenment…