Starlite Recipe Cracked?

Not to mention aerodynamic forces, acoustic loads and vibration during launch, or prolonged exposure to vacuum, or exposure to humidity & rain, etc, etc…


Every kid I grew up with knew where their Pops torch was and how to use it.
Corn starch, baking soda and glue are dangerous? Do some research on the science kits kids used to get. And then there was wood burning kits that were marketed to 8 year olds!

But okay, fine. Why did it take this long for anyone to figure this out with such available, rudimentary ingredients?

My Dad didn’t have a blowtorch. I know one Dad who used a blowtorch: at work, and if my classmate Santi had so much as looked at the acetylene tanks for too long, he would have been punted out of the store.

Did he have access to corn starch, baking soda and glue?