Starting a shirt company. Questions.

Writing an OP on a public message board is like setting a little bird free. It may not go where you want it to.

Come back and tell us how it goes!

  1. Just to be clear:

You would want to be trademarking your company name and/or the logo/symbol you use to represent your company, not the slogan on your t-shirt.
2. It is “copyright”, not “copy right”.

You may not have liked what we told you but you did ask for it.

Sorry but if someone tells me they’ve thought of a new way to flap their arms to make themselves fly as they are poised to jump off of a 10 story building, and are looking for suggestions on what shirt would allow the greatest arm movement, I’m going to first suggest that they start on a lower building.


Yall looked way to into the details of my person operation. I didn’t come here with any real insights about how I am going to go about succeeding with my business plan.

I simply needed to know, two technical operating details.

I will give you a hint. I am already rich. You know, but when you got this capitalist market we got, the different sub cultures, and all that. you know. it aint hurt. you know to drop open that piggy bank… make a few magnet transactions.

ya feel me?

I feel you, Henry. You’ve got the rock solid idea, due to sell? That is the most important thing. Don’t let the haters slow you down. The worst would be if somebody else jumped on your idea before you can capitalize on the market. Since you have bank already, I think you should also go for a larger order to start out, to make sure you can meet the demand.

How to make a small fortune in the gag t-shirt business:

Start with a large fortune, of course.

Good luck!

What is a “magnet transaction”??

“You’re a mean drunk, Superman.”

OK. I’m convinced. I too, like everyone else in the grocery market, have an idea for a t-shirt that would make me some bucks, and, more important, the phrases would become a humorous catchphrase cited with a wry, understanding chuckle of recognition. I know people would be copying it right and left, and the only real financial worry would be paying lawyers to protect my trademark, copyright, patent, or whatever the hell legal stuff to make sure it was mine, all mine.

I’ve been husbanding it for over a decade because I didn’t want anybody to steal it, revealing it only to closest friends while I debated even asking the same OP. Just in case, it’s my understanding that the simple act of writing it here establishes my copyright, so keep your mitts off. Feel free to repeat it viva voce, but common courtesy requires a cite…


It’s a pair of separately sold t-shirts for women. Friends could buy both.

[spoiler]T-shirt one: You might have bigger tits, but I’m prettier.
T-shirt two: You might be prettier, but I have bigger tits.

Maybe “might be” and “might have” should be changed to “may.” Not sure yet.[/spoiler]

You like? In case I change my mind, I ask OP and everyone else in this thread to be my trusted test market.

OP (and others here) what’s your idea? I, for one, won’t copy it, I promise.

The words are taken from the exact phrase I heard a decade ago being thrown by one furious 14-year-old to another after other imprecations had been exhausted. (These women, now, can expect a fight if and when they sue me if they remember that argument when they find out, which they inevitably will, because the shirts will be so popular.)

ETA: On a personal note, I was fascinated by the argument for two reasons: I never heard “cunt” and “whore” used by young girls before, let alone with such violence; and that the language and argument style was used by two girls from absolutely different socio-economic backgrounds, one a Puerto Rican girl from the projects, the other a spoiled flaxen haired WASP. (I saw the fight in a hospital, and I knew them for a day or two.)

Shirt Happens

OP could name the the company The Shirt Off My Back Ltd.

I’m with you. In fact, mine involves a pair of apparel to work:

Female T-shirt: My Eyes are Up Here :arrow_up:

Sunglasses (printed over half-mirrored lenses): My Tits are Down There :arrow_down:︎[/spoiler]

Just for opening that spoiler, you’re pledging to donate $30 USD to my PayPal account. Still waiting on word from the mods to provide the link. Don’t make me sic my lawyers on you.

You’re welcome.


Then why are you asking us? Hire an attorney who does intellectual property and small business work.

Re nothing in partitular, and absolutely without connection to any spoilered ideas in this thread, I love the shirt that was used by several radio stations (and, IIRC, NatLamp during their early radio days): an old-fashioned chrome car radio front (think 1950s Buick) across the chest, a slug for the radio station or program, and the '50s-script slogan Don’t Touch That Dial!

You people laugh now. But next year, when everyone’s wearing their “Walking out the door” t-shirts, who’ll be laughing then?


Walking Out The Door™


You read that entire post and that’s the question you have about it? What does the rest of it mean?

One size “large” - One color “black” - Limited quantity one (1) shirt.
It’s the phrase that pays now on a shirt! Maybe your shirt!
The Shirt

The Price - $ 100.00

The “WALKING OUT THE DOOR!” classic Short Sleeve T-Shirt stands out for its fit, comfort and quality. Classic cut to fit like a T-shirt should: comfortable but not sloppy. 100% artisanal Egyptian cotton 4.8 oz ring-spun jersey fabric. Double needle straddle-stitching on critical seams. Clean finished interior neck taping for comfort and durability. Pre-washed and shrunk to fit. Built to last. Made in Mongolia by Mongolians.