State Farm wants to know how many miles we drive.

Yup. :smack:

I can’t remember any insurer that didn’t aski me to estimate the number of miles driven annually.

Most people don’t fill up based on mileage, they fill up when the little needle gets to the E on the fuel gauge (or half way there if you’re paranoid like my dad).

Same - and there seems to be more of a focus on high mileage. I have a car that does less the 5k a year - they don’t care if if is lower I think. The other two are 15k per year cars.

i drive less than 7k a year, which is return is a discount on my automotive insurance policy

Interesting, I was with Farmer’s for almost 20 years. While I was working, my commute was 2 miles each way. After a dozen years or so they changed this to 6 miles. I didn’t move, and the office was still in the same place. (I checked the next morning.) I called the agent, he gave me a song-and-dance about the company cracking down on this scam. I read him the riot act and said “change it back or I leave”. He changed it back. Apparently that was a pain (for him, T.S.)
What I think happened was that some little computer nerd wrote a program that compared my address (which they know) and the listed address of my employer. The error is that that employer has over the years had as many as 15 different locations around town, and the geek of course had no way to know which one I was at, assuming he even knew how many there were. He used the corporate headquarters, which is about 6 miles away. Wrongo.
I’m not with Farmer’s anymore, my current company has a spot on the annual premium bill for me to put in the mileage (on each car, I have two).