State's ego?

*Originally posted by Yardstick *

They have Monopoly editions for about everything. In my area alone there is a Detroit version and a University of Michigan version.

Michiganders have great pride in their state. They just don’t show it so it won’t get overcrowded and ruin what they love. Michigan is the number vacation spot for people living in Michigan. (This is hearsay, but I would love a cite if I could get one.)

I think they must be overcompensating for a… shortcoming.

Texas isn’t my cup of tea, and I wouldn’t want to live there, but yay for them to be proud of where they live. It beats the hell out of hating where you live (for me that was 25 years in Arizona–ugh!!!)

I know that in my homestate (Vermont) the state flag is hard to come by. Or if it is everywhere, I have just not noticed it (which could be the case, living eighteen years there.)

Not that Vermonters don’t have ego, far from it. But ours is rightly placed, we ARE better than everybody else.:smiley:

looks to run and hide somewhere then realizes that no one seems to like Vermont, so goes and gets his shotgun

Heh heh.

Bouv, you could also point out that Vermont was an independent republic for about 4 years longer than Texas was…

I could, if I had known that.

hangs head in shame for not knowing his country’s or state’s history very well.

Darn, why didn’t you Lone Star folks do that, say … sometime before the year 2000. Then dubya would be the Prez. of a small country on our southern border. [2nd thought] Then liddle brudder Jeb might be in DC - shudder [2nd thought’s 2nd thought] at least he’d be out of Florida. [/thought]

Here in Fla. you can see the State Flag lots of places. Besides Gov’t buildings, many of the tourist places - attractions, restaurants, etc. - fly the flag.

Why oh why are SUBMIT and PREVIEW so close together?

I’ve seen Florida pasta. And California, and Virginia. I’m sure there’s more, but those were the only ones my friend had in his kitchen cabinet. His mom collected weird stuff like that.