Statistical Analysis, Baseball, and Unbridled Hostility

Whaddyaknow, he ran away. Again.

ElvisL1ves has a RAFT, or Ran Away From Thread Percentage, of .782 when challenged on an unsupported, insulting generalization; it climbs to .941 when involving baseball. The board average is only .446 (if you limit the sample size to regular posters, defined as posters with 1000 or more posts; the number is significantly higher if replacement-level posters are included.) It’s a record percentage, though you have to bear mind mind that he supports a team in a DH league, which raises the baseline RAFT by about 25 points, and then you’ve got the possibility of PEDs (Post-Enchancing Drugs.)

If we extrapolate his RAFT across his TNPACRP (Total Non-Poll, Affirmation, or Contest-Related Posts) he has the fourth highest TDP (Thread Dump Percentage) in the modern SDMB era. I can’t name the top three, that would be a flame.