Stephen King's "Bag of Bones" question

Absolutely – great movie material. Now, the question is, who would we cast for it? You’d have to get a female child actor with the same sort of talent as the kid in Sixth Sense to really carry it off well. (I loved Kyra!)

I also loved Bag of Bones. My favorite King novel, in fact. I literally couldn’t put it down. Caused me some grief at work. :wink:
Wasn’t the meaning of ‘TR’ mentioned in the book? Danged if I can remember for sure. Tunnel Road? Naw. :slight_smile:
The Dark Tower stories were written too far apart, IMO. I might get all three now and read them together. My daughter say’s they’re pretty good.

In that case, be sure to get the fourth one, too! :slight_smile:

Four??? Criminy, I can’t even keep track of three. :smiley:
No kidding. If I don’t read them one after the other, I’ll lose track. And each one is pretty long.
Maybe I’ll wait 'till I retire. Or read the Readers Digest version.

I feel the same way. I liked “Dreamcatcher” but I also felt that it seemed to snowball out of control a little.
I didn’t think the “It” reference was too obvious. I didn’t like “It” for the “snowballing-out-of-control” reason,(and also because I hate clowns…* :eek: can’t sleep, clowns will eat me*) so I won’t be re-reading it, and don’t aways remember the references.

Another question.
In “BoB” he mentions “that other writer fella,” Thad Beamount, who killed himself. I read “The Dark Half” years ago, but I sure don’t remember Thad killing himself. I thought the birds carried away George Stark and Thad and his wife lived happily ever after. Did Thad die in another book? Or did I totally not get part of it? Or is my selective memory kicking in?
Thanks again!


Kinsey, y’know, I’d totally forgotten about that reference and it confused me, too. To think that Thad killed himself after all they went through with George Stark?? Stevie, c’mon boy! I don’t remember reading about that happening, either, unless it was peripherally mentioned in Needful Things (and I didn’t like NT enough to read it again to figure it out.)

Okay, so now we have two King questions – the statue reference and the question about Thad Beaumont. Any idea how we might find out?

I don’t remember much about “Needful Things” at all. I just got a copy at the thrift store (25¢!) with the intention of re-reading it, but now I think that may have been one of the books that got me off King for a while.

I know there are a lot of big Kings fans here, so hopefully one of them will wander by and help us out.

Just kicking this back up to the top.
Maybe we can get some answers to those last couple of questions we had.

Try yahoo, maybe? There are tons of Stephen King sites out there, there must be one that answers these kinds of questions.

Thad Beaumont does kill himself, but it’s only briefly mentioned in Needful Things. It focuses more on Alan Pangborn, and Alan reflects on Thad and his suicide. Thad became an alcoholic after George Stark, and Liz and thw twins left him, IIRC. Thad eventually committed suicide because of the depression he fell into.

By the way, I likedInsomnia. Maybe because I’m an insomniac myself, or maybe because it WAS a departure from normal King. I love Stephen King, and I loved the tie-in to IT in this book.

I just finished Bag of Bones…it took its sweet time getting where it’s going, but I liked spending time with Stephen.

I’ve been checking my refrigerator magnets daily when I leave and enter the house.