Stirring it up at church (any Lutherans or other Christians here?) [really long!]

Good luck ** Slacker **

This Catholic altar-boy’s mind is still boggled that there are Christians denominations out there that are more restrictive on the role of women than we are. :confused:

FWIW, we had women lectors (what you describe), we had girl altar servers, and even female lay eucharistic ministers (people who help the priest distribute communion).

Heck, a family member is an ordained Lutheran woman pastor. (ELCA.)

Talk to the pastor. Usually the best thing to do.

Done! Well, I emailed him today at least. I’ll let you know what happens.

I just hope he doesn’t tell me to burn my PS2. :eek:


I was raised LCMS but left it for the treatment of women, which was never explained to my satisfaction. The church I attended as a kid forbade women from collecting money (but they could count the offerings and make out the bank deposit – just not take it to the bank!), ushering, or being an elder. Women COULD vote, though. Lay reading was allowed but not encouraged. Girls could acolyte, but that only happened there in the past 10 years or so.

I just recall seeing in the bulletin years back, a plea for usher volunteers and thinking, well, heck, they won’t take half the congregation, there’s the problem. I also once asked about women feeling “called” to the ministry and was basically given a roundabout answer that avoided the question.

underlining mine

I just wanted to say that this is one of the finest interpretations of this passage that I have ever encountered. It sounds to me as if these students have a very good teacher–bright blessings to you in this important work.

Thanks Kallessa, and everyone else for the kind comments. :slight_smile:

I received an email back from the pastor today. His response:

I knew he’d be supportive - he’s a great pastor. So it’s-a go. :wink: My plan is now to assign different sources of information to the kids who are interested, and see what they come up with. I’m going to have them check out the Bible (natch), the Synod’s documentation, stuff that Luther wrote himself, and anything else I can think of. I’m also going to make them come up with reasons why we shouldn’t change anything. After all, you can never know for sure that you’re right if you can’t say for certain that your opposition is wrong (I base my teaching largely on John Stuart Mill).

I’ll keep you guys updated if you’re interested, and I’ll be posting what’s going on on my religion web page too. Should be fun. :wink:

Thanks again for the support. :smiley: