Stonehenge - Where did the missing stones go?

“Getting another stone” sounds simple, until you realize they’d have to get it from Wales.

Actually the sarsens came from the Marlborough Downs, ‘only’ 48 kilometers away. Still not an easy task.

The large stone circle at Stanton Drew in Somerset is open to the public, you can walk among the stones and touch them etc. One large circle, a smaller circle nearby and a large stone in the nearby Druids Arms pub.

Does anyone know of a site that has any ‘sight picture’ type illustrations of what various astronomical alignments Stonehenge is supposed to correspond to would have looked like? For instance, what would the summer solstice sunrise would have looked like viewed through Stonehenge? Are there sight lines at Stonehenge for the equinox? What would it have looked like? When I google for stuff like this, all I get is pictures of a bunch of hippies milling about in the circle.

“Rebuilding?” Are the restorers actually going out and finding the original stones, confiscating them in the name of national historical sovereignty and returning them to their original positions?

Or are they calculating the dimensions of missing stones, quarrying new stones, and putting them in place, to the point where we may one day be visiting a Henge of Theseus?

Or is it something else?

Black Sabbath did that too? Whoa.

The restoration mostly consisted of re-erecting the stones that were laying around on site where they had fallen. This often included setting the re-erected stones in concrete, a process which almost certainly detroyed some context.