Stop enunciating the fucking "h"....

Thank you.

This was my third grade teacher’s approach, but probably even worse than what you’re illustrating. I can handle the aspirated-w sound, but my third grade teach would pronounce them more like, “hhuhwat,” “hhuhwere,” “hhuhwy,” etc. I’d be thinking, “COME ON! NO ONE EVER PRONOUNCES THOSE WORDS LIKE THAT EVER!” Drove me up the wall.

Coming from the South, I always pronounced it VEE-HICK-uhl. I think my pronunciation shifted to the more damn Yankee pronunciation VEE-uhkle when I started singing the Ides of March song, “Vehicle,” at karaoke.

This is normal in a lot of Irish accents. It’s no more pretentious than you having the nerve to have whatever accent you grew up with.

Irish accents aren’t from Britain.

Irish police notoriously pronounce it ‘VE-hickle’, with a short e like in ‘bet’.

Britain, Ireland, Scottland. Its all the same.

I double-dare you to walk into a pub of my choice and say that.

Pubs…aren’t pubs what they have in places too benighted to boast proper bars?

Say it once
Say it loud

It would always irritate my mom when Worf would pronounce weapons as wHeapons - “There’s not even an h in it!” on Star Trek: TNG. I was disappointed it didn’t come up when the Enterprise crew appeared on that one episode of Family Guy.

You’d think that could be his way of adding a Klingon accent, but Klingon, as far we know, uses plain [w]

Also, there’s a difference between what Stewie Griffin does and what people actually do. It’s just an unvoiced w. There’s no long h in front of it. The only time you would hear that would be in the same place where the voiced w would be extended by those with the wine/whine merger.

On a comedy show, they–get this–exaggerated for the purpose of comedy. If you emphasize the voiceless nature with an h, you sound pretentious, just like Stewie was supposed to.

Oh man, that always reminds me of my ex, who always used the word and pronounced it that way. And he said “coitus” too.

Your kidding aren’t you? These days kids aren’t even taught words.

Debatable ( and I have an Irish name ) * but I didn’t say that, I said that in Britain we can hear this in some Irish accents. I am not sure whether those Irish in Ireland are necessarily aware of their own accents any more than most of us are.

These old weirdos probably thought they sounded perfectly normal:

U.S. Presidential Audio Recordings
Check out old Cal.

  • And many of our best-beloved cousins from Ulster seem to think they are British. As they will tell one frequently.

yeah, but Cal was from upper New England (Vermont) and they’re kind of special there. they still talk that way:

“height” is pronounced properly as “hite” with a long “i” and a “t” sound at the end, like “kite,” NOT “heighth.” NO “th” at the end, damn it! The latter may be considered proper somewhere on this planet, but not in my corner of it. :wink:

Or the proper spelling of certain contractions.


“I’m a ga-nu. I’m a ga-nu. The ga-nicest picece of ga-nature in the zoo.
I’m a ga-nu. Spelled gee-en-you. You really ought to ka-now wa-who’s wa-who.”

Flanders and Swann

Reassess what you are calling pretentious. You have no business telling anyone how to speak if you have to use ‘fucking’ in the way you did here. Common as it has become, it is still rude and crude.

If you’re not pronouncing them stop putting the letters in the stupid words. Your writing is supposed to at least marginal phonetic, not ideogramic. wat, wen, wy