Story Memes or Themes You Just Can't Stand

Which makes me think of two related ones; the idea that the supernatural is in plain sight but ignored because “people don’t believe in that sort of thing these days”, which is simply wrong. And the idea that scientists are ignoring magic or psychic powers or vampires or whatever because it’s “against scientific dogma”, which is the opposite of how scientists tend to act when confronted with something that overturns accepted science to that extent; in reality the supernatural person or critter would have to beat off Nobel-hungry scientists with a stick.

Plots involving superheroes, vampires, or zombies. Which eliminates about 80% of all movies and TV shows nowadays, I think.

Technically, she did that, too… "what happens if we turn the Slayer power up to 11 and make ALL of us slayers?

Reluctant hero leads a team of rag-tag misfits to an unlikely victory.

Any romantic comedy. Any element of a romantic comedy. Babies. Meet-cute. Attractive woman can’t find a mate. Big jolly group of friends. Hero persues, is rejected, till she realizes he has been The One all along. They are all the same and they have all been done to death. In spite of being big fat lies encouraging stupid behavior and grossly failed real-life expectations among the demographic audience, there is no stopping the romantic comedy.

1)A woman loses a child. This makes her so crazy that she is a danger to other children…she kidnaps them and creepily calls them by her dead child’s name, or just kills other children. Hate This.
2)Let’s stop and bury the dead. We’re on the run, the bad guys are after us, they actually got one of us. Even though we have no food or water and it’s hot and oh yeah did I mention the bad guys are after us?..we totally have to stop and bury our fallen comrade. Fellas, if it’s me? Leave me for the wolves! I’m dead! Don’t waste your precious fleeing energy digging a hole with the handy shovel somebody thought to bring.

Personally, I choose to lay the blame for that one entirely at Jane Austen’s feet. In my spare time I’m tinkering with a rudimentary time machine, just so I can go back and make her eat the final draft of *Emma *one page at a time. Maybe get around to killing Hitler at some point too but - priorities.

I thought of another thing ( sorry I called it a meme, offended prior poster) that galls me - the plot line where the birth mother is as good or stated than the adoptive mother. Even tho birth mom hasn’t been around for at least a half dozen years . Hate that

Parents whose children are threatened or only perceived to be threatened and they do crazy or insane things in response. I don’t know if this hysterical response is truth or is caused to be worse by media. I mean, if your child is in danger, it really isn’t helpful to go crazy, not listening to the people that can help you, and hurting everyone around you in the process of trying to save your kid. Half the time the hysteria doesn’t even help.

I never watch these and skip these parts.

Sandra Bullock can’t get a date, and has a miserable life as a bus driver or whatever.

I like plenty of shows involving a brilliant detective who regularly beats the cops at their own game, but I don’t like shows where the police department is filled with incompetent boobs who wouldn’t be able to feed or dress themselves if Mr. Wonderful hadn’t decided to grace them with his perfect presence.

Stories where the bad guy is pure evil. A lot of Stephen King stories (ones I have read) have this type of villain.

Anything where an animal is harmed to show how evil the villain is or tug the heartstrings for the poor misunderstood child protagonist. Any kind of meant-seriously animal harm and I’m outta there. When it’s played for laughs I can sometimes take it (like when the dinosaur ate the dog in Jurassic Park 2 (or was it 3)?

“Babies will make everything better!” Ugh.

Speaking of Jurassic Park 2 (or 3), how about where the “heroes” actions lead to the deaths of several people, yet they are never criticized or questioned about it and the survivors still listen to them.

So true. Ludlow was a prick, but Nick Van Owen is the true villain of that movie. Earth First bastard indeed.

The time travelling idiot. Someone from the past who is shown to be competent and intelligent in his own time is completely dumbfounded by the modern contrivances of ours. I damn nead died when i finally got around to watching the “Torchwood” episode “Out of time” it was such a relief to see people react is a sensible manner over a 50 year time jump instead of herping the derp for the whole episode for cheap laughs.

Multiple personalities. Pretty much in any incarnation.

Wait, I didn’t post that. Let’s go find who really posted that and framed me. But what if it was me, or rather one of my hidden personalities I developed after Father Sandusky touched me in my naughty place! Or maybe… just maybe… I’m just faking those personalities to get away with murder! The bad plot twist possibilities are endless.

The Ugly Duckling, where a gorgeous actress is supposedly invisible to men, just because she has glasses, dresses in frumpy clothing, or wears her hair pinned up; Then suddenly, she takes off her glasses and viola, now the entire world is properly captivated by her stunning beauty…

The main character is trying to figure out a crazy mystery. But as it turns out, the protagonist is the crazy one who’s hallucinating/having delusions all along!

Yep, this. I pretty much avoid these like the plague.