straight dope archives

No need to apologise for limited resources. Well, evidently, some weeks ago jdavis must have spent time to redesign the archive page. (A dynamically generated multipage index, even.) - And since then, it doesn’t get linked to from where people can easily find it! (Like it used to be.) Talk about priorities…

I mean, it’s not like something on Cecil Adams’ web presence needs to get straightened out - it’s more like a whole chunk of it has broken off. Any idea of the visitor attraction, visitor retention, and publicity value of an archive of open browsable content?

Are you sure that making the list of available columns a little less obvious wasn’t a direct decision from higher up, to make us buy more books? Just askin’… I find it hard to believe that the owners would let the work schedule of their technical staff determine the (non)visibility of 99% of their site’s permanent content. So, you’re saying, as soon as someone finds the time to edit the page, a browsable list of previous columns will be one click away from the main page again?