Stupid Brazil Nuts

Hyacinths are the macaws whose bite is strong enough to tear apart a wrought-iron cage, aren’t they?

If that’s my other choice, then I think I prefer my nuts just the way they are.

Now that the GQ has been answered, I just wanted to say I came here from Threadspotting on the front page, which was marked as being highly sensitive and not politically correct. (Yes, that made me curious.) But I don’t get it. Is “nuts” the new “retard” or something?

The problem is likely around mention of the idiotic (way beyond “PC”) slang name for brazil nuts.

How long before someone posts the name that everybody I know used to call Brazil nuts. Nobody calls them that any more.

I’ve heard they use to be called “n****r toes” though I never heard them called that while growing up in New England (we did have “N” babies though, made of licorice).

Did any of those people you knew have toes that actually looked like brazil nuts?
I knew lots of black people, many of whom called each other “N”, but few called the nuts that and none had toes that even sorta resembled the nuts.
Hi, Biggirl. I haven’t heard from you in a while.

–We’re back! Thank you, and welcome to the next round of White Folk Say the Darnedest Things! For those viewers just tuning in at home, here’s how the game is played: each category features a topic with a Word (or Phrase) to Avoid. Contestants must attempt to describe the topic without using that word or phrase, and our celebrity panel will try to guess what they’re saying.

As always, racism must not be mentioned; contestants must instead substitute a euphemism such as “offensive” or “non-PC.” There were no winners last round, so we’ll continue on with the category “Stupid Brazil Nuts.”

In just a moment, the Phrase to Avoid will flash at the bottom of your screens! Once again, the category is… “Stupid Brazil Nuts.”



Brazil nuts were also known as “NIGGER-TOES.”[/spoiler]

Ah! Yet another euphemism thinly disguised as a “spoiler”. Albeit a hyphenated one.
Sorry, folks, no winner yet.

Don’t mind me, I’m just waiting to see if that is considered to be funny.

I don’t think anyone considers it to be funny. It is non-PC and an offensive name, however, I don’t know if it is inherently racist. Is it racist to use the n-word regardless of the context? In this context it clearly refers to the color of the shells, and nothing more. It is not used in a derogatory sense, what I mean is, it is not saying that the nuts are “bad” in any way. Is it still racist just because of the name? Or is it merely offensive and inappropriate?

I would have to consider Mother who used the term a racist. :frowning: However, not being a person of color, I will await another’s judgment.

However, I would consider anyone who used it not in anger to be a racist. I would give someone who used it in the heat of anger the benefit of the doubt.

Well, it was really more of an attempt at a “special effect.” If I knew a better way to suggest “flashing text” via post formatting, I’d have used that instead.

I just found the Threadspotting mention to be a bit much. “NOTE: May be upsetting to sensitive types, politically incorrect references.” Because you’d really have to be a politically correct sensitive type to find the term “nigger-toe” problematic. Say, that is just a bit “un-PC,” isn’t it? Just a trifle.

On the one hand, my own ignorance has been fought; I’d never heard Brazil nuts called nigger-toes (though I suspect the only reason for that is because nobody else in my family likes Brazil nuts). On the other hand, I think I could have continued to survive with that particular cultural lacuna.

Can we go back to making fun of hyacinth macaws now?

No, they are vicious little bastards. I watched one systematically destroy a broom stick perch. They’d rip chunks out of our flesh and eat them as we watched if we made light of them. How about hamsters? They are easy game.

I am genuinely confused. So if I yell at the nut in anger (perhaps I’m having trouble getting it out in one piece?), I’m not a racist, but if I am merely eating the nut in quiet enjoyment, I am?


All poor MadTheSwine asked for was a neat way to open brazil nuts. He (she?) got all that and much more.
I, for one, found a good nut cracker out of the deal.
Thanks, Mad. :wink:
mangeorge, who may be a little overly sensitive about other people’s feelings.

The same people I grew up with who used that term, also called something shabily put together “nigger-rigged”. Is that not essentially the same? Is it not (also) racist?
You’re trying to whoosh me, aren’t you? I know how you intellectuals are. :wink:

MAD NO!!! Don’t do it!! Science is wonderful and all but, but maybe someday you’ll want to have children! :eek:

No, see, that would be considered racist, because they call it that because it is shabbily put together. There is a strong negative implication. Whereas Brazil Nuts are merely tasty.

“Nigger Rigged” Probably is racist, but when I think of “Jury Rigged” and “Mickey Moused”, I wonder if the “N” word is there just because it rhymes (sorta) with “Rigged”?

I did too…but it broke. Any one know a cheap, easy way to fix it?