Stupidest Looking Death Scenes

That’s what I came in to post. For some odd reason that scene actually made me feel a bit embarassed.

Word. Greatest death scene EVAR!

I hesitated to post this one, b/c I think it’s kind of awesome.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

“Aggggghhhhhhhh!” (Squeezes a blood capsule against his belly)
“Aggggghhhhhhhh!” (Falls over dresser)
“Aggggghhhhhhhh!” (Gets up and spreads himself against the wall)
Lather, rinse repeat!

I was once a big fan of poorly-dubbed ‘Kung-Fu Theater’ movies from the 70’s, so I’ve seen some bad movies, with ludicrous death scenes but this one tops them all! Great find, “Morbo”! :cool:

I like how he starts screaming all over again every time she shoots him.

Well, she was only supposed to shoot him once, but the director couldn’t choose a method so they tried multiple takes. Then the film was running short so the editor used them all.
Personally, I nominate Trinity’s scene from Matrix Revolutions. I don’t think anyone in the theater was taking it seriously.

Yes, but Jimmy Stewart’s character was just speculating on how the murder would’ve been committed, not having been there. Since he’s talking to the killers, it’s a very tense scene.

And the way she shoots him every time he stops screaming :).

I just about peed my pants laughing. My wife thought I suddenly went insane.

My favorite part is how he gently laid himself down on the bed so that he could finally die comfortably.

Ok, it was a totally awesome death scene, but this comment didn’t just make me LOL, I actually snorted.

Nope. He’s standing next to the chest as they strangle him. As a matter of fact, the first thing they do once he dies is open the chest and lift him into it. Now, granted, strangling someone while standing doesn’t sound like the easiest way to go about it, but it isn’t as ridiculous as having him stand inside the chest first.

Oh I was cheering! DIE! DIE! DIE!

What about the way she squints and turns away slightly as she throws the bullets out of the gun? I think my favorite part(aside for the exact same scream the exact same length every time he is shot) is where she shoots him in the back the first time and there are no bullet wounds, then she fires the next time and there are two bullet wounds.

And an obvious pillow under the back of his shirt.

It being the 1950’s, everyone politely ignored the victim’s voided bowels.

[Jimmy Stewart] C’we, c’we open a window, d’you think maybe? /[Jimmy Stewart]

That explains why he never lost his grip on the gun, then. That was hilarious.

Yes, well (1948 actually), everybody knows you should simply disregard stray sewage smells in the midst of a proper cocktail party.

When I saw Meet Joe Black, it seemed like everyone in the theater burst out laughing when Brad Pitt’s character got killed by the cars. There had been heavy advertising of the fact that the first trailer for the new Star Wars film would be shown twice at each Meet Joe Black show, once before the movie and once afterwards. So most of the people there weren’t very enthusiastic about the movie anyway and were happy to laugh at it:

In the James Cagney gangster classic “White Heat”, the execution scene was pretty funny-tough guy Cagney breaks down and blubbers for mercy…as he’s dragged off to 'ol sparky".