Subtle Misogyny at SDMB

I first registered this name on a MB that did not accept punctuation. In addition, at the time, I had a bad case of post modernism and was allergic to capital letters and spaces. Thus, my intention, The Grim Spectre O’ Fred Death is often misinterpreted as The Grim Spectre Of Red Death.

The name, itself, remains my only post modern work of art, and thus I leave it to stand alone, with no explanation.

I just referred to a man as a skank in an email. It was entirely appropriate.

Gender in language? Never use it. I don’t get hysterical over that stuff.

Jet Black

Yeah, but using “one” all the time is freaking annoying as well. One gets tired of reading about what one could do if their strict parents would let them. See? Because the third person objective and possesive are the same as the “gender neutral” one’s. Grr… At one point, people just used he when they refered to a single person, and everybody knew that it was possibly indeterminant.

Alas, those days are gone, and this one has to go to class…


I hope you’re including ‘dick’ in there too. I mean, that’s gender based as well.

I use “he” in everything that I don’t write for my CC professors. One I think scans better than “he or she” in most places…and one’s self (oneself, I forget at the moment which is correct) is MUCH better than himself or herself.

I felt it would be both repetitive and redundant to list every insult based on the male genitalia. For example, you will note that “Nutsack” is also not present. I felt that this particular genre was most commonly represented by “Prick”, so that was the only word that I placed on the list.

What kind of idiot would misread it like that?

Scylla: Not your kind, apparently.


You could al=ways use the word “hir”.

I’ve never seen an insult that was exclusive to one gender. Thus in this happy world you can both be a prick and a bitch.

Hmm… Every post of grim’s I had read before the few in this thread, I skipped “red” completely and just assumed thegrimspectreofdeath

Upon reading the question as to who Fred is, I reread it, thought you were joking, and indeed read it as “The Grim Spectre of Red Death”

And finally, after reading grim’s explanation, I correctly understand it.

So, to answer your question: me, but not until after you said something. Before I was misreading it in a completely different and original way.

“Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.”

Pushing for gender-neutral language detracts from important feminist issues. Pay-equity, for instance.

Chinese has always been gender-neutral, which must be why sexism has been virtually unheard of in China throughout the ages. :rolleyes:
To equate the use of gender-specific language with misogyny is beyond trivial- it’s counter-productive.

That being said, I find it interesting that words for male genitalia (eg: dick,' prick,’ dink,' pecker,’ etc.) are only applied derisively to men, while a certain anglo-saxon monosyllable which refers to female genitalia is bestowed on men & women alike.

I’m not just a bitch, I’m The Bitch.

And it’s Miss Bitch to you.

I like calling chicks “asshole” because it surprises them.

(FTR, I rarely insult anyone because I’m angry. Generally, it’s like, “You asshole!!! You ate the last bagel!” or something. The surprise of “asshole” adds to the comedy.)

I thot Mr. Rosevelt’s reform onli was for simplifying speling. I had no idea it wuz for speach as wel.

–John, who still stands by his statement “A son of a bitch is a son of a bitch, be they male or female”

No, that would be doubleplusungood.

Learn to speak the language, you oldthinkful furriner…


I use “they” (them, their, etc) in pretty much everything I write. :slight_smile: YMMV.

A favourite web-page: Singular “their” in Jane Austen and elsewhere: Anti-pedantry page.

Agreed. <sigh> Ya just can’t win…


Ah… Jet Black. Been seeing his stuff all over the place lately, let’s see:

  1. Posts well in most/ all forums.
  2. Nice sig.
  3. Hilariously subtle quote in this thread:

Best newbie ever.


Note to self:

RJ determine genderspeak doubleplusungood. Requires Newspeak. Remove genderref fm comms.