Suburban Coyotes

They have. Part of that is because their natural territory has been usurped by sprawl. The undeveloped areas are occupied already so the displaced wildlife will find the available niches in the human habitat where they don’t have their natural predators and competitors.

This is not even a factor. There are still plenty of areas for wild coyotes to roam. They moved into the cities decades after they lost the land you are talking about.

True in the West. In the East, it wasn’t really coyote territory at all so it is all virgin conquest ;). Although admittedly the Red Wolf taxonomy controversy makes the issue muddy in some areas.

Oh, it probably is. Particularly in the CA hill chaparral where humans love to build highly burnable communities with lovely views. Not driving coyotes out so much as moving into areas they already are in.

If so it is very different than what is seen in the Chicago area. Dog-coyote hybrids are very uncommon. They are bigger than country coyotes just because they are better fed.

But what TriPolar was claiming was that suburban sprawl was driving them out, displacing them, and forcing them into cities. That is simply not the case. They are just doing so well in suburbia that population growth is driving some to set up camp elsewhere … and they either learned how thrive in or adapted to (or some combination of both) the city ecosystem. Again, omnivore. Between garbage and hunting rats, feral cats, and even some feral dogs, they can thrive.

It would be an interesting study to see what the population of other urban animal denizens have done as coyote populations have increased.

And why not? They have humans growing their food.

I am surprised it took them decades to learn that.

In my area of exurban SE Texas there has been a purported increase in coyote population, but I have never seen any study numbers. That seems to follow on the reported increase of feral cats, so maybe one problem resolves another. And the alligator population is on the uptick, so the odd cat or coyote that dodges a .22 long is occasionally taken care of in other ways.