Suggest a most excellent bumper sticker

What, no mention of the punchline?

“Nice People Swallow”

Stop Honking I’m on the phone

Caution I drive like you do

Jesus is Coming (look busy)

“Ambivalent People Spit”

I may have to get that, and my license plate is 6022E23.


And I finally got a real thumping reaction to it from a woman chem teacher just two weekends ago. It ruled.

Hang up and drive.
I are a [name of despised college] graduate!
U.S. out of North America!
First Bank of Dad: Sorry, we’re closed.

Friend of mine in Denton makes these decals. If you go to the various fandom conventions around Dallas (A-Kon, ConDFW, etc.) you will usually run into her selling her wares. She also has a bumper sticker which says that zombies like a girl with braaaaaaaains. :smiley:

“Caution, I speed up to run over small animals”

“Entropy isn’t what it used to be.”

I was a soldier for many years. My family lived near a Marine/Navy base where they sold bumper stickers which said: " Navy wives are special".

I thought about buying a couple of hundred of them for soldiers on Fort Bragg.

But my wife would have killed me.

Sighted on the 91 freeway on the bumper of a beat-down 20 year old work truck: “Live Better, Work Union”

A friend of mine is a police officer. One day while driving his patrol car, he couldn’t figure out why so many people were honking, smiling and waving at him. Coming out of a restaurant at lunch, he finally saw the “Honk For Gay Pride” sticker another cop put on his squad car’s rear bumper earlier that morning.

Some favorites:

“Ribbon Awareness”

“Nuke The Gay Whale For Christ”

Batshit/Dingbat 2012! (all the smart people will know who you’re talking about)