Suggestion of Junior Moderating vs Request to Members

Yeah, Jobs had some misses. He had a lot of hits, though.

No, you are ranting. All the “social engineering” and being “forced” to post in a certain way to please Big Discourse, on a board that you voluntarily post on, is ridiculous. Add to that your SMDB and Discord errors and your spelling errors, tell me you aren’t calmly discussing this subject. Next thing you know you’ll be talking about having Discourse chips implanted every time you post, and be calling people that disagree with you sheeple.

See, disagreeing with you does not equal being " set off" about something you posted. I was making fun of you for posting such a stupid meme.

Your final point in that post was that maybe Discourse, not Discord, should answer the question. I pointed out to you that’s exactly the way reddit forums handles multiple questions on the same object.

Not enraged, amused that such a normally even keeled poster is having a meltdown about a “problem” that may happen to him sometime in the future. Especially a “problem” that has such an easy and obvious work around.

If you don’t want to interact with me, fine, I think I’ll be able to live with it. though it will be quite the struggle. I happen to think that shutting out opinions that you don’t like is not a good way to discuss a problem you are trying to solve.

So true, maybe TPTB should just admit they chose the wrong platform and they should have went with Discord. :grinning:

How difficult are we talking here? Is it like 5 extra minutes or 35 extra minutes? I don’t know, I’ve only posted answers, not questions. I also didn’t know posts needed a human approval. How long does that take? That sub has so many posts that if I don’t look at it for a week or so, I don’t even bother trying to get back to where I left off.

I recently posted something I saw at an outdoor beer garden. I had no idea what it was, but it was being repurposed as a drinking area/bar. My first title was “What is this repurposed structure, seen at a beer garden?” The mod-bot threw it right back at me due to the vague title.

Looking at the pics I was trying to post, the ALCOA emblem was on one. I resubmitted with the title, “Beer Garden, something from the aluminum industry (ALCOA)” and it was accepted by the bot, but was then queued for human approval. It was approved a few minutes later. I think human moderator approval is only needed if the bot declines initial submission.

It only took a few minutes for someone to identify my thing as a Hall–Héroult aluminum refining electrolysis cell. I mean, Duh!

The junior mod in me thinks I should have PM’d my reply. :frowning:

The post that seems to have created this discussion was this one on May 22 in this thread.

codinghorror posted this same post to twitter a couple weeks ago on May 12. It was well-received.

I’m guessing he posted it here because it was on his mind and it was topical to the post he was responding to.

It’s only on the SDMB that this turns into a ranting match about . . . . something.

Thanks for the info. I was going to edit and ask you if your thing was solved, but I was too late. I bet you felt silly not knowing what that was! I see those every day, it’s like asking what a spoon is. :grinning:

Seems like most people were applauding that he clarified the title and improved the formatting of the callstack. Not really sure how that being well-received on twitter reflects on the SDMB community for poorly receiving completely different features (nannyish message board software and in this case, specifically, forbidding duplicate titles.)

Yeah, I can see how they are related, because codinghorror believes that forcing people to use new titles will nudge them to them use more descriptive titles. But the topics are really very different. I am not a fan of the nannying comments, but I am a huge fan of human beings improving titles and cleaning up formatting. Kudos to him for doing that.

But that’s my point, right? That a human editing titles (and improving the formatting as well) is fine, and generally will receive plaudits. Whereas writing software to simply nag users into doing a tangentially related thing - choosing a unique title - might get a different response?

Right. I intended my post to be obviously agreeing with you. Did I mess up?

To be totally clear here, Jobs was never right for a majority of the market. He was often right for a large enough niche (and generally a wealthy niche!) to run a profitable company, and in the post-iPhone phase of Apple’s existence, to run an extremely profitable company. But iPhone users are still a minority of the smartphone market.

I thought the first part (“I can see how they are related”) was disagreeing, though the rest seemed to be in agreement. Either way, all good :slight_smile:

Fair. But some of the things he’s pushed people to do are quite similar to what codinghorror is pushing. So, for instance, he removed the audio jack, pushing his users to switch to wireless headsets, which I’d guess many people decided they actually preferred. It’s a pita for me, since I use that jack to connect to someone-else’s-hardware-that-ain’t-changing, but I’m the niche market. He may well have made a lot of people a little happier with their iPhones by pushing them to buy wireless headsets.

My guess is that that’s codinghorror’s goal. I mean, obviously not to get people to interact with message boards with wireless headsets, but the same general idea.

I get your point. But Product Owners substituting in their own judgment for that of their customers and claiming they’re going to be the next Steve Jobs is the moral equivalent of every science crank and flat-earther thinking they’re going to get vindicated like Galileo.

Just because…

Jan 2021, iOS is 52:4% of the smartphone market, in the US. Perhaps you meant globally, where it’s about a 28% share.

Its < 30% WW.

ETA: sorry, yeah, missed the second half of your post. I meant globally.

I was surprised that globally it was that small, given the us market. Learn something new everyday!

what is this thread about, again? :crazy_face:
