Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade (No longer a draft as of 06-24-2022.)

Well said - that is the point.

When we watched Handmaid’s Tale a few years back - during Trump’s admin - I found it horrifying, because many aspects impressed me as NOT INCREDIBLY strained extensions of what some on the right were urging. And I was appalled at the idiots who thought Trump would “shake things up” or be entertaining - without realizing the impact of appointments to the Supremes.

I don’t want to be all Chicken Little, but this is a VERY BAD trend, and I fear for my children and grandchildren. And my sonIt is hard to see the prospect of things getting significantly better over the course of either of the next 2 election cycles. It is very hard to imagine what I can do in the deep blue state of IL other than wring my hands. I hope the sane people in red and purple states mobilize. It is hard to imagine why there is so much apathy.

I don’t know about all, but sure, markets tend to be served. But if Reno was large enough to serve the market for divorce in the rest of the country, why do you think California isn’t large enough to serve the market for abortion in states that outlaw it? If will, after all, only be the fraction of the market that is mobile and affluent enough to travel somewhere. Why somewhere other than CA, which is already gearing up to serve this market. (As is NY, and, i think, several other states.)

Thank you for that excellent post.

I think it’s bizarre that Texas, where you can shoot to kill a random kid who comes to your door trick-or-treating, because your house is your castle, doesn’t respect the integrity of a woman’s body.

Or, maybe it’s not bizarre, maybe it just demonstrates that men’s rights are the only rights that matter.

You left out “white”. White men’s rights are the only rights that matter.

The right to abortion would absolutely be considered a fundamental right protected by the constitution if it were happening to a white man’s body. The problem is that the right only sees it as a right to kill babies, rather than the right to bodily integrity and medical decision-making that would have been fundamental to almost every founder and most every jurist since then.

It isn’t in the southeast and air fares aren’t what they once were.

But this leak has placed the situation in flux, Congress is rustling the chairs and may even get around to doing something. There is a remote possibility of a rational solution emerging.

That is to laugh. Even if everyone who caucuses with the Democrats agreed to “do something” there’s still the filibuster. And even if the filibuster gets dropped, then there’s the likelyhood that SCOTUS will shoot down any such law.

Even then, even if a law is passed protecting reproductive rights in the entire nation, and SCOTUS upholds it, the next Republican led government will reverse it.

Boy, is that sounding familiar, the MAGAts taking the word “patriot” and twisting it beyond all recognition.

I won’t say I was dismissive, viewing the whole ‘stop the steal’ campaign from November through December with a rising sense of unease, but I would have thought the events of 1/6 and being nigh impossible, never mind being aided and abetted by members of the very same legislature being disrupted, until they happened.

To get back to the OP topic, there were warnings from gay guys to the heteros that, “They’ll come after you, too,” years ago. Looks like they were right.

#notallmen. As in, only some men have rights that matter in Texas.

The great experiment has failed. All is lost.

Get a grip. Every generation has challenges. There can be no progress without effort.

[quote=“Ann_Hedonia, post:449, topic:963862”]
In reading this conversation on Roe v. Wade, I’m under the impression that some of you are thinking, “the rollback of this right is a horrible thing, but not one that affects me .

I want to tell you that it does.

It does indeed, even for people living in dark Blue states.

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans have fought for decades to end Roe v. Wade. Now, with victory in sight, they are discussing whether to pursue nationwide restrictions on abortion if they gain power…Asked if Congress should restrict legal abortion across the country, Ernst responded: “We’re debating now. We’re going to continue to debate that. I think that’s important that we do that, to debate it.”

So this bullshit that it is gonna be “up to the states” is quite simply= lies.

We need to get the voters out this election. It is just possible, with the number of "maybe’ Senate seats, for the Dems to pick up a couple seats. Then Manchin can do whatever he wants. The Dems can nuke the Filibuster, and pass nationwide voter laws, protect abortion, and get in some new Justices, when some of the older ones die or retire.

Not according to K9b…

I’ll thank you to keep your words out of my mouth in the future.

Yeah, Florida just banned abortion after 15 weeks.


Have you ever noticed that any time there is a gun control discussion, conservatives insist that you if can’t talk with absolute accuracy about guns, then you aren’t qualified to discuss gun control, yet they repeatedly demonstrate ignorance about women’s bodies, yet they feel qualified to regulate them.

Yes, and I admit I have gotten annoyed when someone has no idea of what they are talking about re guns. But I am by no means conservative.

The Ignorance is strong on the GOP side… not only woman’s bodies, but climate change, fossil fuels, and yes… often even guns. They revel their ignorance.

nm. thought better of it.

See also,
