Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade (No longer a draft as of 06-24-2022.)

Both the Electoral Collage, and the Constitution in general, will need to be vastly changed before such states fall into “irrelevancy.”

Contrary to what modern liberals say, precedent never has been the end-all, be-all that you folks make it out to be.

If it were, you would have to contend that Brown v. Board of Education was incorrectly decided, because it did not uphold the stare decisis of Plessy v. Ferguson.

Overreact much? All this does is return things to the pre-Roe status quo. Apparently you feel that the country has been truly united only since Roe was handed down – which, considering the enduring controversy over the decision, is a truly bizarre point of view.

Not to belabor the Brown v. Board of Ed. discussion but…

What if the justices who ruled on that were purely motivated by a legal philosophy about precedent, textualism etc.? Alternatively what if they ruled entirely because they thought racial segregation was immoral? Presumably we all now think it was the right decision because racial segregation is immoral - does it matter if the justices who decided it genuinely thought their ruling didn’t actually have to do with the practical and moral consequences of America’s racist laws?

What “modern liberals” are you talking to?

You know, woke activists like John Marshall.

All those Liberals in Strawsechucetts, Straw York, and Strawlinois.

Irrelevant in terms of economic strength, health of population, education, environmental degradation etc. They will increasingly become third world basket cases.

I hope he careful with those matches…

Bizarre because you got it backwards. The country started coming apart with Roe v Wade…today made it official.

Not a huge shock though my guess was that Roe would be weakened rather than completely overturned. Of course we still don’t know what exactly is going on inside SCOTUS and what the leaker was trying to achieve.

As to political impact it’s tricky. Polling indicates strong support for Roe but the polls are closer when you ask about abortion rights directly though still leaning pro-choice.

State by state there is a lot of variation but generally the purple states lean pro-choice, e.g. Florida 56-39. Of course polls can’t tell you about intensity and what the single-issue voters think.

Broadly speaking though I think the Democrats will benefit if Roe is in fact fully overturned. Maybe not enough to defend their majorities in the mid-term but definitely in 2024.

Then Alito should rule in favor of abortions because abortions have been legal throughout most American history. The first laws criminalizing abortion in the United States were enacted in 1880. They were overturned in 1973.

So abortions have been completely legal for 153 of the 246 years the country has existed (and were legal in many states during the 93 year period when they were not legal in all of the states). So the right to have an abortion clearly has a strong basis in the history and traditions of the country.

Alito would change his rationale so fast the goalposts would redshift.

(Not saying you don’t know this, of course.)

If there’s an upside to any of this, it’s that the longstanding fig leaf of elevated judicial objectivity may finally be ripped away, so emphatically that even the most detached observers will see it. The Court has always been a channel for pursuing political ends; at the best of times, it’s simply a barometer for the degree of change the majority will find palatable, while at the worst of times, such as now, the seizing of the Court by aggressive cultural terrorists makes it a vehicle for oppression, destruction, and death. It’s long past time for people to understand what’s truly at stake.

Yeah. There’s been half a century to do that.

Here’s the reality: a lot of male Democrats don’t take this personally because they’re men and it doesn’t directly affect them. A bunch of Democrat women have sufficient personal funds they can travel from an anti-abortion state to one that allows abortion, just like middle-class to wealthy women would do in 1970. There’s another slice who are poor women with few resources and less time to worry about such things who for various reasons don’t vote and don’t consider such things until they find themselves in “a delicate way” and are stuck where they are.

Whereas the opposition are motivated by the thought they’re preventing murder and have no compunction about taking control of other people.

I’m expecting to lose abortion rights in the US. I don’t like that, I’m opposed to that, but I don’t see Roe existing next year at this time.

Yep. Because the same unwritten “right to privacy” that underlay Roe is also a major justification for things like access to birth control, striking down anti-sodomy laws, laws interfering with what consenting adults do regardless of whether or not they’re married, and same-sex marriage.

Striking down abortion is the beginning, not the end.

If you ask me to vote in a plebiscite, I’d vote for abortion to be legal; I guess you’d say that’s due to my motivations. But if you ask me whether I think Roe was decided wrongly, I’d say “I’ve always thought ‘egregiously’ sounds about right.”

Can you elaborate?

I suspect there are some people in favor of that, yes… (NOT my position!)

What bans slavery in the US is not a law, it’s a constitutional amendment. They’re a lot harder to overturn.

To the best of my knowledge, the Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion; it appears to be a matter for the people and their elected representatives. I’m not big on proving a negative, but I see the bit about how old you have to be — and how long you have to have been a Citizen of the United State — to become a Senator; likewise, I see the bit about quartering soldiers in my house in time of peace; and I see stuff about the right of trial by jury, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and a whole bunch of other things. But, try as I might, I don’t see abortion there; possibly I missed it? And, if this leak is accurate, possibly Alito missed it, and so on?

But it seems to me it’s mere accuracy.

No matter how crappy red states become each and every one of them will still have two votes in the Senate and at least one in the House. We’re heading towards a situation where a backward, ignorant, theocratic/autocratic minority will be able to exert an exaggerated power and influence over the majority of the population.

They didn’t publish, it was leaked.