Sure, name your kid G'uennnhwuyFurr, but expect people to point and laugh

Sorry…but what ever came of the John’s, Raymond’s, James’, Michael’s, David’s, Ruth’s, Diane’s, Rebecca’s, Caroline’s, Brittany’s, and Barbara’s of the world? Common names…UNITE!

These sites actually mock naming a child Brittany, fush.

The librarian at my high school was named, no joke, I swear to og, “Sunny Falling Rain”. She was a mean librarian though, I think all the librarians at that school hated me >_<.

Hijack for Green Bean : a carpetbagger in WWII? I’ve never heard those two phrases put together. Would you mind explaining? I’m interested.

If I ever have a daughter I’m naming her Jane. And a son’s gonna get named either Mike or Hank.

Green Bean… it’s Ruth…

and fush… I don’t want to unite. I don’t like Ruth much and I go by my middle name anyway which just causes confusion when I have to sign stuff. “R Claire? Aren’t you Ruth C?” No damnit I’ve gone by Claire my whole life, just because Ruth happens to be in the first spot does not mean that’s what I am called!!

Governor Quinn,

Really? Is it because of the reigning pop-princess, or just because they didn’t like the name?

Obsidian Flutterby,

Actually, the first two female names on the list are my fiancee’s first and middle names. She goes by Ruth, but god help you if you call her Ruthie or Diane.

You may wish to kill me now. My wife’s late dad is Ronald, if we have a girl she wants to call it Ronny or Roni (which I like, but I prefer Veronica and calling her Ronny). I swear I’m gonna get to pick the middle name. Right now, I’m leaning to Xochitl.

Obviously if its a boy, it will be Ronald. I’m still working on a short list of middle names. I do kind of like Attila or Genghis, though. Although Darth Vader has a nice ring to it.

I haven’t discussed it with my wife. I’m waiting till until she gets over the “overly emotional” phase of pregnancy. I just hope that what follows it is the “violent overreaction” phase.

Governor Quinn, are you me? That sounds exactly like my name, except for the middle part. No one would think twice about my name being “unusual,” but I’ve had to spell it more times than I care to count. My last name is fairly simple, only two syllables and no hard consonant combinations, but people still can’t pronounce it even when I tell them a few times.

I love my first name, though. It’s the name of a county in Ireland (although not spelled the Irish way).

Erk, that should be isn’t the “violent overreaction” phase.

Look, I wanna name MY first daughter “Amidala” and my second one “Arwen,” so I’m in no position to complain.

Well, Guinevere is the French romantic (Chretien de Troyes) version of the early Welsh Gwenhwyfar, which over the intervening centuries evolved into Jennifer. So, Guinevere and Gwenhwyfar are both classic names. But good luck trying to teach people the spelling of the latter if you live outside Wales!

In my world, yBeayf, you get major points for knowing how to spell it. Also for being a Celtic weenie, therefore not just picking it out of the blue. But I’d still be reluctant to call a child either of these, because they are hyper-romantic, and hard to spell. G’wynhyverre, on the other hand, gets nothing but outright contempt.

What the correctly spelled name says to me about the parents is one or two of the following:
a) i’m a fervent Welsh nationalist, curse the English!
b) i’m a romantic with an Arthurian obsession
c) I’m an ultra-soppy romantic and have read the Mists of Avalon way too many times.

The kre’Atyvvely spelled one gets one of :
d) I’m 10th generation American and have not only no Welsh blood in my body but also in fact could not find Wales on a map. But I saw this movie with Sean Connery in it, and heard the name there. I never read any books, I’m illiterate. I wouldn’t know how to look up the spelling even if I cared.
e) I’m 15, and like, I looooove celtic mythology. Celtic is like, sooo coool. Like they were all in touch with the earth and, like, crystals and mandalas and stuff, and it’s the most romatic name ever, and if I spell it different then it’s even more special.

edwino, Veronica’s nice. It’s a really good idea to give a proper adult name and using a short form for nicknames. it allows the kid plenty of choice - she can be Nicky, Roni, Vera, and later on “Chief Surgeon Veronica Edwinosdottir” sounds just fine. “Roni” is hard to get past high school cheerleading. If she’s not a child or an intimate friend’s nickname, she’s maybe a Vegas cocktail waitress. Diminutives are not a good public look.

I emailed that link to my mom. Highlighting the “let me spell that for you” category, with a note that it’s all her fault I never learned sign language.


That’s 58 days of my life I’m never gettin’ back.

The link should be handed out to all pregnant women.

It’s a hilarious summary of common sense.

Her suggestions – like not using bad spelling and avoiding the top twenty five most popular names – are perfect.

Ruth is a fine name.
It was my mothers. It is also the middle name of two of her grandaughters - both who have the dreaded Gaelic first names btw :slight_smile:

(not that I have a problem with that, all 4 of my kids have them as well)

I love Xochitl.

Aw, shoot. :: Reluctantly crosses RES off the crush list :: I mean, I could deal with you being a baby-seal-beating cross-dresser, but Amidala and Arwen? :wink:

That link is flipping hilarious.

I have a Deadhead friend who named his son Elijah Sativa. (Wee Eli.)

I foresee a lifetime of being hassled at the U.S. border. Thanks, dad!

Wow! Where was this link when this thread and this thread were active? :slight_smile:

Oh Ruth is a wonderful name, I’m not knocking it that way. I just have never been called that except when I have to use it for documentation or government papers and whatnot so it’s never really grown on me.

If someone calls me looking for Ruth I wonder why they are calling me and not my Grandma. If I’m paying attention I will answer to it but if I’m not it goes right over my head. Like at school. My records have to state Ruth as my first name and then I have to go through the whole ‘call me Claire, not Ruth please’. I’m seriously thinking of just signing everything as RC and going by that.

Is it pronounced “show-an”?