Survivor April 18: "I'm No Dummy"

JT is the best ever. Never had one vote cast against him the hole game despite being on the minority tribe after the merge.

Kim’s playing a good enough game that I would say she deserves a spot in any future All-Stars game if she wins (or comes close, depending on how). Best ever? Eh. JT, Boston Rob, Pavarti all come to mind for me first.

But he gave an Hidden Immunity Idol to Russell in Heroes vs Villains because he thought the women were voting off the men.

he might have been good in Brazil, but that was one of the biggest bonehead moves in Survivor history.

Well, except that all stars is as much about personality as it is ability. Kim has decent strategic ability (some of the poor strategists this season make her seem better, IMHO). But she doesn’t really have the big personality or cause enough conflicts for me to expect her to be on all-stars. I suspect the only reason we see so much of her is that she is going to win the game - had she gotten the short end of the stick, and been voted out say, 6th or 7th, I could very well see her edit being “Kim who ?”

I like Kim, but much of her success on this season is because there are so many boneheads. She goes up to Troy and says Mike’s going to vote him off. Troy jumps onboard without checking anything out. She lies straight to Jay’s face about him being safe and he doesn’t pick up on any of her body language that screams SHE’S LYING!! If she was with better players, they wouldn’t have make it so easy for her.

So many dumb moves by so many players. I just want this season to be over.

There are a lot of boneheads, but there are a lot of players, too. Troy completely understands what is going on in the game and is trying to get people to see what he sees. Chelsea is a player, and so is Sabrina. All four are smart and capable of winning challenges.

J.T., on the other hand, had no real challengers. He waltzed into the win without any serious threat. He was physically by far the strongest player, and was never targeted for elimination. Having no votes ever cast against you isn’t a sign of good game play, it’s a sign that your competition was worthless. The only player on J.T.'s season who played with any strategy was Coach, but that was the first, crazy version of Coach. Taj was smart, but she had no chance of winning, being married to a multi-millionaire.

J.T. never even thought of lining up the votes each week to ensure that if a hidden idol was played, an alternative player would be sent home rather than himself. Kim does that every week.

Not to knock JT, because I thought he played a brilliant game by enlisting a faithful sidekick, but another reason he didn’t have any votes against him is that he won so many ICs. If you can do that like he did, you’re golden.

I think that both Alicia and Christine stuck with the women because they realize that being unliked is a really compelling reason for other players to bring you along to the finals. The Russell factor, if you will.

If the women continue on their campaign to get rid of the men, I hope the producers have mercy on us viewers and show two tribal councils in one show vs. trying to string us all along in a snooze-fest.

I don’t think Alicia has enough self-awareness to realize she is disliked.

someone made mention of Kat’s inability to add in increments of Twenties.

how about when she bid (and won) the BLT and noted that the sandwich had BACON!

She kind of reminds me of Kelly Bundy.