"Survivor" Feminine Hygiene

And a plug commercial.

I seem to recall someone on the first Survivor used a tampon for fire somehow. Sorry, no cite, just remember it from an interview. I’m sure they changed up a lot of rules after seeing how creative people could be when left to their own devices.

I think the women are also given razors to shave their legs/armpits so as to maintain their “beauty”.

Isn’t that right as well?

Nope. There have been a few women who’ve had visible pit hair. (Stephenie?) I believe that the reason we don’t see more of it is that the women contestants have gotten wiser and have gone in for a good waxing prior to the show.



This seems to go to the heart of the matter, so to speak.

OTOOH, after the first week or so of starvation, it’s probably not much of an issue.


OTOOOH, some of the women are menstruating when they arrive.

As the site indicates, the unintended use rule was developed after the Survivors unrolled tampons and used them for toilet paper.

They did more of this in the earlier seasons. They also show puking (especially after someone wins a decadent feast). Once a contestant brought razors as his comfort item. The camera followed him to the spot where he had buried them so we could all watch him shave his chest.

You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free…

There must be 50 ways to use a tampon… la la la…