Sweden do-nothing approach good, US/UK/other countries' early do-nothing approach bad. Why?

…“tortuous” as in “we had to stay home and the government paid us to do it” sort of way? And why would we be expecting every industry to have fully recovered when the world is in the middle of a global pandemic? What on earth are you even talking about?

What would be best for the world would be for the governments of the world to take Covid-19 seriously.

Professor Gupta is full of shit. Her analogy is absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense. A better analogy would be New Zealand actually immunised our kids, the rest of the world refuses to immunise their kids, and are now kicking up a stink because we’ve done the right thing in keeping our kids safe.

Your world is dystopian because you’ve given up trying to control a global pandemic. It isn’t dystopian where I live. If we were to “join you” all we would accomplish is the death of thousands of New Zealanders. Why would you want us to do that?

Why not?

Why should we? You are the first person I’ve heard that has argued that not reciprocating the bubble we’ve done something evil here.

I wasn’t aware that we would be requiring a blood sacrifice in order to access a potential vaccine. How many dead New Zealanders would we need to provide? Do we match Sweden? 3000 cold dead bodies? Is that what you require?

Vaccine Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand is already working to provide support for Covid vacince research locally. And we have already earmarked hundreds of millions of dollars towards the global research effort. We’ve already agreed to purchase 1.5 million doses of a potential vaccine.

But all that isn’t good enough for you. We need to open our borders and let thousands of people die. And even that probably wouldn’t be enough.