Take the religion quiz!

Pretty much as I’d expect…

Humanist …click to learn more (score=100)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=96)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=90)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=80)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=77)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=70)
New Age …click to learn more (score=66)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=60)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=60)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=53)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=52)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=40)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=40)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=40)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=40)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=40)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=33)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=20)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=13)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=12)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=0)
Islam …click to learn more (score=0)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=0)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=0)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=0)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=0)

Hmmm…I hadn’t noticed my score of 32 on “Scientology”. That worries me. Maybe it’s because I thought “Battlefield Earth” was pretty good. The book, of course, not the waste of film stock. Any book where Scots Highlanders help save the world from alien domination is ok by me…

Beth, the key phrase here is “aren’t hurting anyone else.” A few weeks ago Bob Minton was attacked and choked while taking part in a peaceful protest outside of Scientology’s headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. In another incident, Mark Bunker, was attacked with a hammer by a scientologist. Paulette Cooper, who wrote an expose on the church, was subjected to hundreds of death threats, held at gunpoint, framed by the cult for making bomb threats, (Which was later proven when the FBI raided the chruch and seized documents. It was called “Operation Freakout”.) The Church has a policy called “fair game” where any person who exercises their first amendmant right to speak out against the church “may be sued, tricked, lied to, or destroyed.” (These are the actual words of L. Ron Hubbard.) Lisa McPherson was a Scientologist who suffered from a psycotic break while in the church. She was put on “introspection rundown” which consisted of them locking her in a room, never talking to her, and forcing a mixture of aspirin, Benadryl and orange juice down her throat with a syringe. (They called it “spiritual sustinance”.) They finally took her to a doctor (A scientology doctor many miles away, despite the fact that there were closer ones.) She was dead on arrival. She only weighed 98 pounds. The church tells all newcomers that it is fully compatible with any other religion; however, after spending around ten years of your life and over 300,000 dollars, you find that Hubbard said there was no Christ. He’s just an “implant” by the overlord, Xenu. Mary Sue Hubbard (L. Ron’s wife) was sent to prison for a year as the mastermind behind a plot (Really L. Ron’s idea, but he fled the country.) to get people to break into the IRS and steal doucments and tap phone lines. All of these things here are backed up by court documents. I could go on and on. Check out http://www.xenu.net or http://www.lisatrust.org for more information.

:eek: oldscratch, you gonna take that sort of abuse?!? Methinks we’d be better off if he was George W. Bush!

I must be on pretty shaky spiritual ground, cuz I’ve taken the quiz a few times and come up with different results. Aah, screw it, I wanna be a flaming agnostic.

A UUer here, but I already knew that.

Mine, also not much of a surprise, since I’m also a practiving Roman Catholic…

Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=100)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=100)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=96)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=87)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=81)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=75)
Islam …click to learn more (score=63)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=60)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=59)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=48)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=47)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=42)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=42)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=31)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=27)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=27)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=20)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=18)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=18)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=9)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=9)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=9)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=9)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=9)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=9)
New Age …click to learn more (score=5)

  • Rick

Atheist/Agnostic (score=100)
Humanist (score=100)
Unitarian Universalist (score=92)
Theravada Buddhist (score=85)
Liberal Quaker (score=47)
Neo-Pagan (score=45)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant (score=14)
New Age (score=11)
Baháí (score=0)
Christian Science (score=0)
Eastern Orthodox (score=0)
Hindu (score=0)
Islam (score=0)
Jainism (score=0)
Jehovahs Witness (score=0)
Latter Day Saints (score=0)
Mahayana Buddhist (score=0)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant (score=0)
New Thought (score=0)
Orthodox Judaism (score=0)
Orthodox Quaker (score=0)
Reform Judaism (score=0)
Roman Catholic (score=0)
Scientology (score=0)
Seventh Day Adventist (score=0)
Sikhism (score=0)

Neo-Pagan (score=100)
New Age (score=99)
Mahayana Buddhist (score=87)
Unitarian Universalist (score=84)
Theravada Buddhist (score=73)
Scientology (score=73)
New Thought (score=71)
Hindu (score=66)
Christian Science (score=63)
Liberal Quaker (score=61)
Sikhism (score=60)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant (score=53)
Orthodox Quaker (score=50)
Reform Judaism (score=47)
Baháí (score=40)
Humanist (score=40)
Jainism (score=40)
Latter Day Saints(score=30)
Orthodox Judaism (score=28)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant(score=26)
Eastern Orthodox (score=20)
Islam (score=20)
Roman Catholic (score=20)
Seventh Day Adventist (score=20)
Jehovahs Witness (score=10)

Freaky. Especially the Scientology and Christian Scientist scores. When I went back and changed 2 of my not applicable answers it dumped those to the bottom. Fun, but not very accurate.

Bring on the sticks…

Top five:
Neo-pagan (100)
Unitarian Universalist(88)
New Age (87)
Liberal Quaker(84)
Humanist (75)

Bottom five:
Mainline to conservative Protestant (17)
Islam (10)
Jehovah’s Witness (10)
Roman Catholic (10)

I was astonished to find Scientology at 46! Should I be worried?? :wink:

When I do go to religious services, I find myself most at home at a U.U. church or a Friend’s Meeting. My top scores were pretty accurate.

Whoops! That’s the bottom FOUR, I guess. I can count, really I can! I skipped over Eastern Orthodox (10)

Top 5
Humanist …(score=100)
Unitarian Universalist …(score=90)
Theravada Buddhist …(score=83)
Neo-Pagan …(score=79)
Roman Catholic …(score=10)

I guess I’ll have to convert from Atheism to Humanism. Where do I sign up? And do humanists hand out free food at their services?

Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=100)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=97)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=93)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=93)
Islam …click to learn more (score=93)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=93)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=93)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=93)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=89)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=77)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=73)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=69)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=58)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=48)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=48)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=36)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=36)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=36)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=36)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=36)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=30)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=24)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=24)
New Age …click to learn more (score=19)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=16)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=16)

Hmm, so I’m really an Orthodox Jew, that’s a surprise. It really kind of sucks 'cause I love bacon. Oh well at least I can tell me boss I can’t come in and work on Saturday anymore. :slight_smile:

No Rasa, no I’m not.

I’m sorry, but Scientologists are open for ridicule any time any place, the same goes for Moonies. Anyone who brainwashes people, sends deaththreats, or holds up signs saying “Study books not your body” deserves every ounce of ridicule they get.

Likewise, as Chief Crunch so kindly pointed out, they are not a group that simply believes differently, they are disturbed individuals who lie, cheat, steal, and have no qualms about commiting serious crimes against “non-believers”. They are money grubbing little bastards that physically and mentally harm innocent people.

Humanist …click to learn more (score=100)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=92)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=87)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=80)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=70)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=55)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=40)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=39)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=39)
New Age …click to learn more (score=38)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=34)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=26)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=26)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=26)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=26)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=21)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=21)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=13)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=13)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=13)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=9)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=8)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=0)
Islam …click to learn more (score=0)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=0)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=0)

I studied ‘Liberal Protestantism’ into my teens.
Now I’m an agnostic.
I once knew a pretty girl who was a Scientologist, but it’s just a financial con trick.