Taking Bets: Who is the 'insider' who wrote the NYT Opinion Piece?

I first said Pence, but more for bragging rights. Right now… Coates, then Pence.

Conway, I don’t buy it. Which likely means it’s her, of course. :wink:

Agree. Trump’s paranoia is now off the chart. What an environment to work in.

Well, if we are to take the NYT at its word, it’s not Sessions. Pence is ridiculous imo. I have a hard time believing it was one of the generals, because I frankly think this op ed was a dumb tactical move of you’re actually trying to help the country. I do think it could be someone working under them though.

Whoever it is has to have frequent access to the President’s desk, and daily knowledge of what’s going across it for signing. I’d say that lets out Sessions for one, and probably Pence – doesn’t he get stored in a closet when they don’t need him for a photo op or funeral? It’s either someone signficant on the White House staff itself, or very high up in the national security apparatus.

Probably someone that none of us have heard of before. Who knows how many senior positions there are.

Coats, people. Coats. Like the things people wear in winter.

Sorry; carry on.

It’s not on his wikipedia page yet.

Mark Felt

Libel for an opinion piece? Highly unlikely. The editorial staff undoubtedly had their lawyers go over this backwards and forwards to make sure the NYT was insulated from civil litigation. I haven’t read the piece, but I would bet that there were disclaimers and wiggle-words out the ying-yang preceding it.


She is a definite conservative, but no love for Trump. She was actively antagonistic towards him prior to his nomination and was pro-Ted Cruz. Prior to his nomination, she called Trump extreme and offensive. Her husband is extremely anti-Trump.

Most damning though is that she’s the only person that we know for a fact has subverted him. We know from the phone call Trump had with Woodward that she got a request from Woodward to have a sit down with Trump and she didn’t take it to him. She also knows that Woodward would have been honest and put Trump’s rebuttal in his book since he is known for putting in even banalities in the name of ‘neutral journalism.’ Her excuse is that ‘She was simply following protocol.’ but we all know that the best way to stonewall anything is to follow the rules to the letter. She sits down with Woodward for lunch for an hour (which also forces us to ask why she was having lunch with him) says she’ll ask the President for an interview and then it mysteriously gets lost in the bureaucracy.

Add on to this that it’s someone who likely has a highly placed contact at the New York Times since they would have wanted as few people as possible to know about them and we know that she’s a pollster from New York who has tons of high ranking journalist contacts. I think the arrows point in that direction.

My money is on her.

I think the issue was whether the Times would face legal exposure if they intentionally misrepresented who the anonymous author was, as opposed to what the opinion piece actually said. The Times represents the author as being a well-known, senior Administration official; a few posters have guessed that the Times basically might be lying and inflating the importance of the White House butler.

About 1000 presidential appointments. Some with and without congressional approval requirements. But a lot of them just won’t count because they’re off site.

Holding my copy right now. Think it might be reissued anytime soon?

interesting to see who has denied writing it so far , Pence and Pompeo, and who has not denied it - everyone else.

Holy hell, I think I read that exact RD Condensed Book edition… is “Intern” the story that has, as one of its subplots, the intern getting involved with a nurse to the point of marrying her, only to break up with her when she loses (one or both of) her legs?

Conway is not an administration official.

she is counselor to the president which seems like part of the administration to me.

Counselor to the President - Wikipedia

It isn’t really a new concept - Gens. Mattis and Kelly, and Tillerson, were pretty widely reported back at the beginning to have teamed up to protect America from Trump, regardless of the personal consequences. Maybe it was just time for a reminder that the generals are still serving their country.

also generals know not to obey an unlawful order

Are you thinking of the “suicide pact” formed by Mattis, Tillerson, and Mnuchin? Funny how one of them is gone, but the others are still around.