Tea Party: the hippies of the 00's?

Isn’t that just because the police is a lot more subject to laws these days and can’t apply physical violence anymore ?

Probably not. It’s because TP’ers are on average older, whiter, and more obedient to authority.

I’m not sure where you’re getting this from. :rolleyes: I’ve attended three Tea Party rallies, and I did not see any evidence racism, hatred, “greed,” or a desire to impose strict morality on people. If you have evidence of this, I would sure like to see it. As far as I could tell, the speeches centered around less government spending and the desire for a smaller & less-intrusive federal government.

My only point of contention with the Tea Party is on government spending. As a libertarian, I want spending to be cut across-the-board; there should be no sacred cows. I get the impression many in the Tea Party desire an increase in military spending.

OP, I think your “Dutch take” really has nothing to do with our experience in the USA. Over here, the cultural conservatives never really lost big nor went away, except perhaps in a few coastal cities.