Ted Cruz Presidential campaign discussion thread

Ugh. I hope not, but I wouldn’t bet against it.

Is that a serious question? I only say that because it’s been discussed in about a bazillion thread here.

I’m all in favor of the Republican Clown Show. I’m just having trouble picking who I want to win… right now, I’ll lean towards Santorum. Cruz might be my second choice. The sooner the Republicans have a “true conservative” get walloped in the general election, the sooner they will either break apart (probably into religious and libertarian regional parties) or go back to being a sane and serious national American political party.

I hadn’t heard that – maybe that’s the real reason some of them trolled him by maneuvering themselves into seats where they and their STAND WITH RAND shirts would show up in the event pix.

No chance that he’ll be a VP candidate. His negatives run too high for any candidate who would need balance with someone more conservative or Tea Partyish. He’s running for the status and the money and to promote the one conservative cause he believes in, more money and status for him.

I don’t consider Santorum to be a clown. He’s a serious policy wonk with whom I generally disagree. He’s a roll up the shirtsleeves and get some work done kind of guy. Cruz is a publicity whore (who should know better).

Cruz seems a bit of a sideshow act. IMO he’s making a small splash in having announced early, ensuring more press attention than he might have gotten once other candidates have gotten their campaigns under way. Announcing at a location that pretty much guarantees the most supportive audience possible also helps, although that should be a minimum case for any, even slightly competent, campaign.

Negatives, according to my reading, are that he’s not raised much money (yet) and he is not the leading contender even among the hard-right nutjobs that seem to make up his natural base.

I’m hoping he makes it at least to the primary debates, guessing there will be much entertainment to be had, for certain values of ‘entertainment’.

Is it too late to hope for a Cruz/Palin ticket?

At the request of one of the thread starters, and because it seems to make sense and they were started 7 minutes apart, I’ve combined the two Ted Cruz threads.

Now, speaking as a poster and not a moderator:

PLEEEZE can it be Cruz? I think he’s going to find out his routine plays a little harder outside of Texas.

There’s no chance the nation will go into Cruz control. Best case scenario is that he’s one of the last of the un-Bushes to survive and he pushes Bush so far to the right that even Barbara doesn’t recognize him and he becomes unelectable. No way he gets the nomination, the moneyed class is not going to permit this.

Based on various statements about homosexuality, evolution, religion, and the like, I see Santorum as a clown. He’s probably a different kind of clown than Cruz.

According to this analysis, Cruz and Walker, who are competing for the same Tea Party base, are going to have to fight each other before the winner can take on Jeb. Walker is better positioned for that fight because he has not (yet) antagonized the GOP establishment, which Cruz has. And, even if Cruz knocks Walker out of the ring, he still has to deal with TP darling Paul, who also would sit better with the establishment.

This is funny, and such a basic mistake. If I was a politician thinking considering at all the possibility of running, one of the first thing I would do would be to buy up SamLowry. com, SamLowryforPresident. com, SamLowry2016. com, and every other variation I and my team could think of. I hope they hold onto that, and it can be popular like SpreadingSantorum.com was.

Crazy Rafael Cruz didn’t become a US citizen until 2005.

And let’s not forget that he fought for Fidel Castro.

The Donald questions The Ted’s eligibility

Ayn Rand was an atheist – how are such shirts even allowed at LU?!

Or, do the shirts refer to Rand Paul?

That didn’t take long.

Rand Paul, who is an Ayn Rand fanboy.

Does Ted Cruz believe his own stuff? He seems like a pretty bright person, I doubt he is as dogmatic and simple minded as he leads on. He is probably like Guiliani, he pretends to be dumb and dogmatic while he is really an intelligent person who is showboating.

So what is his goal? He knows he will lose in 2016. But he will build his name among voters, make it easier to get re-elected in the senate and possibly open up some very lucrative jobs in the media for himself.

I’d say he is doing pretty damn well for himself.

But not an atheist. Wonder how he manages that. It is rather hard to think of Objectivism as something Christ had in mind.