Teen convicted on terror charges for being "anti-American", launching model rockets

I’m sure there’s an innocent explanation. Maybe him and his dad are trying to start a Vietnam War Re-enactment Society?

Great big taste.

Where’s that pukey smiley when you need it?

I wonder now, should my Canadian-living-in-America son stop wearing his Canadian t-shirts? He doesn’t make napalm. He just misses Canada.

Huh. :dubious: I’m never looking at the International Food Festival the same way again.

I made napalm as a kid. It was fun stuff. Never sold any, but there’s a good profit to be had in homebrew fireworks.

I thought this was America. You know, that great country where you can express your beliefs and thoughts freely without fear of persecution. Should I also leave country if I decide to go around wearing a t-shirt with “America Sucks” on it?

Molson Canadian may be shitty beer, but it’s still far superior to the swill Americans brew.

And if wearing a frigging maple leaf is gonna get me arrested for being anti-American, then fuck the U.S., and I fucking live in the States

My favourite quote is from the Morning Call

No fucking shit !

Well, she is a drama teacher.

Surprising Daddy hasn’t excused the napalm-making by saying his son has a healthy interest in weed control.

Right, it isn’t like the cops have been putting 5 year olds in handcuffs or anything.

The exact words were:
“Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.” – George W. Bush

I’m with stupid.

He was found guilty of uttering terroristic threats and possession of incendiary devices.

As to the first charge, witnesses reported that the teen had reported his threat to school officials - although they did not take him seriously at first, this is evidence that a threat was made.

As to the second charge, he had 15 kilograms of potassium nitrate, fuses, tubing and a case of lighter fluid. He offered an explanation for why he had it. Police offered evidence that such materials could be used to build a bomb. The judge heard the evidence, weighed the credibility of the witnesses, and found the young man guilty.

How does this constitute “railroading”?

Underlining mine. I have a can of lighter fluid right now, on my desk, at a defense contract facility. This facility has shitloads of solvents and rocket fuel (the real stuff). Are we going to jail for this? I use to play with Estes rockets - I had fuel, fuses, little electric ignitors etc. Should I have been arrested? It’s not always cut and dry. For that matter, I could make a bomb out of match heads or bullets and tubing, just like McGuyver. Having the basic ingredients does not make this a slam dunk unless you can prove intent. That’s the hard part. The bit about the shirt though is ridiculous.


How hard is it to prove intent when the person possesing the materials writes bomb threats on a bathroom wall?

Yup, I guess that tidbit automatically makes every court case a travesty from here on in. :rolleyes:

That depends on if he admits doing it, or if you believe his accusers. If it can be believed and verified, then Bingo, you’ve got intent. I’m not taking his side (yet), I’m just saying it isn’t always a slam dunk. You have to admit though, a Molson Ale shirt isn’t exactly evidence. Maybe I should burn my Beck’s shirt and my Lowebrau stuff :eek:

Well then, maybe it would be a good idea if they held some kind of event where his accusers came forth, he gave his side of what happened, and someone evaluated it all and decided what really happened? :stuck_out_tongue:

Did he actually have an incendiary device, or is this another case of frightened dimwits calling a rock a destructive device?

That clarifies nothing.

Lots of people have a can of lighter fluid. How many kids, that are too young to legally smoke, have a case of lighter fluid? If model rocketry was his interest, is potassium nitrate and lighter fluid a well known rocket propellant?

Certainly it’s not illegal to own a case of lighter fluid. It is unusual, in and of itself, but when factored in with all of the other unusual items (and that whole bomb threat thing) that this kid had in his possesion, it was enough to raise a red flag.

Yep. You sure can.

Yes. You sure should.

Just becaue you are allowed to be an anti-American annoying asshole doesn’t mean that you should be an anti-American annoying asshole.