Teenager Busts Dad for Growing Pot

I only have one brain? I’d rather have that gone then put up with this bullshit everyday.

What do zombies eat when they get the munchies?

Does pot give a more enjoyable high after ten years of aging?

If I was a betting man I’d put 99.99% of my money on this.

Sorry to hear that you’re having such a hard time. If your dad is abusing you and/or your grandma, you should definitely report that. That’s not acceptable at all. You can call Child Protective Services or Adult Protective Services to get in touch with the people who investigate that kind of thing.
If you can tell us a general idea of what area you live in, we might be able to offer more specific advice about organizations that can help you.
Hang in there. It can get better. A lot of us had tough times as teens and went on to better things as adults.

Look, guys — this person is 17 and new here; he doesn’t know what the zombie jokes are about. (kylebikesodyssey, they only are referring to this discussion being so old, started in 2002, and thus a resurrected “zombie.”)

Since splitting this thread off would remove the context that kylebikesodyssey refers to in his post, I’m going to leave it open. If anyone has any thoughts to post, please do; however, let’s stop the zombie jokes.

Ellen Cherry
IMHO Moderator

You shouldn’t have to, and it will get better. Come back, please - tell us a little bit so we can help you more. Or, hell, just come back to vent again, if that’ll make you feel any better.

Kids these days. No respect for their parents. Or for pot.

I know the year between 17 and 18 seems to take FOREVER, but just wait until you’re old enough to leave without legal repercussions and then go. Just hold your breath until then; your folks have their lives, and you’ll have yours. Prepare now for that time, though. No point in walking out the door with nowhere to go. Go get work, save money, plan.

I often fear that in order to rebel my son will become a neocon or christian fundie or something.:smiley:

en em

When my daughter was growing up. a program called D.A.R.E. came to her school, and encouraged children to turn their family members in for such as this, and the kids took it seriously.
My daughter did not turn in any family members, but destroyed the two humble pot plants that my brother had been growing in his light and foil bright closet.
No one in our family rewarded her for this behavior. And years later she dated a guy, who told her that he had ruined his families lives; sending himself and his two brothers into unhappy foster care experiences, and causing much needless suffering by turning his parents in for a few pot plants .

WTF? The guy’s not just growing a few pot plants. He’s an ex-con who does nothing but get drunk and/or high, and smacking the kid and his grandmother around, while they live in a house infested with bugs.

In this case, I’d say dear old dad deserves it.

I was responding to the zombie OP, and read the Seattle story from May 2012, but was not aware about the abuse situation and other sordid details.
And in this case, the boy had to protect his Grandmother and himself in any way possible.

I can’t imagine my dad or any immediate family member growing pot, but if they refused to get rid of it, I would have done the same thing.

I’m curious, why would you do this? Question also applies to others answering in kind.

My advice to kylebikesodyssey:

Don’t try to handle this on your own. Seek some help. Contact your local protective services and talk to them about what’s going on.

My general opinion on the subject:

Would I turn in a family member for growing marijuana? No.

Would I use marijuana growing as a reason to get rid of a family member who was abusing other people in the family? Maybe.

Reading that article, it is nauseating reading the author talking about how courageous the kid is. It doesn’t take courage to mindlessly follow draconian, arbitrary rules, esp at the expense of your family.

Having said that, the kid probably had an axe to grind with his father. But I have no idea what it was.

10 year old thread. Didn’t see that.

Help should always be out there for family members who are in harms way, and anyone who hurt their elders or children would upset me enough to call on an intervening agency, no matter what was the cause of the abuse.
But I do not believe that using children to turn in their own family members, by coming in to their schools and basically training them to become tools for the local police department, is the best way to go about stopping people who grow a few marijuana plants.
In the case of my daughter’s boyfriend, he had deep regrets for getting his parents in trouble, and he saw first hand the resulting damage. He felt exploited by the people that claimed to care.
He was a vulnerable child, who wanted to please his teacher, and others in a D.A.R.E. type program, and a heavy price was paid by him and his family.

What a proper little Pavlik Morozov.

Anyone find any update over the last ten years?