Tell me about your Depo Provera experiences, please!

Love love love love.

For the first few months, I spotted instead of full-on gushing. Then I would spot a bit two weeks before I needed the next shot. Now - nothing. It took me a while to gradually taper down, and it was super weird and irregular for a while, so don’t worry.

I was on it for about 3 years, off for 8 months, back on for about 6 months again. No weight gain that wasn’t already happening, no appreciable difference in sex drive that I’ve been able to detect, no hormonal mood swings, etc. I have a whole host of problems that often go along with Depo, but they were there before and they were there when I went off for 8 months (which is why I went off - to test).

Basically, I LOVE not worrying and not needing to remember every day. Me needing to remember to take the pill every day = me pregnant. But most of all, and Depo is my best friend for this, I LOVE LOVE LOVE not menstruating.

I started Depo shortly after my son was born 2 years ago, and I love it. Maybe every two or three months I’ll bleed for a couple days, and I think that’s far better than 7 or 8 days every month. I didn’t notice any mood swings with it. But as someone else said, each person is different.

Sorry, all I have to offer is my miserable experience with Depo. I was about 21 when I went to PP to have the shot.* I bled non-stop for 3 months, mostly heavy. Of course, that made me feel repulsive and killed my sex drive. So I went back at the end of the 3-month period and complained. The PP nurse suggested that this was quite common and that the second shot should clear it up. Hesitantly, I agree to have the second shot. Another three months of full-on period. Needless to say, I didn’t go back for the third shot. I went back to the pill even though I was never really happy with it and conceived my firstborn while taking it religiously.

My friend recently went on Depo and suffered from inexplicable rashes and palpitations. I don’t know if those are usual side effects or even if they were related to Depo, but they cleared up when she went off it. I think she also went back to the pill.

*Regardless of this experience, I still think PP is awesome and I’ll probably go back to one as I left my gyno shortly after Cinnamon Little came and I got a ParaGard IUD (non-hormonal). I’ve been extremely happy with this method of BC.

My experience with Depo was very mixed. For starters, I ended up losing weight on it. I didn’t have a period for about four months, but then my body rebelled and I was back to spotting all the time. I should add that the reason I’d been put onto the depo was because I’d been bleeding constantly on other forms of bc, and the depo stopped it for about four months. Sex drive wise, if anything, I was more horny than before – insatiably so at times.

However, I had to come off it, but whilst it was helping me, it was great!

Another option would be the birth control patch, Ortho-Evra. All you have to do is put a new patch on once a week. I’ve been on it for about 6 months and haven’t had any problems. I’ve talked to a couple of my friends that are also using it and none of them have said anything about bad side effects. It’s so much easier then having to remember to take a pill every day. The only bad thing that I can think of is my periods seem to last about a day longer than they used to, but that’s really not a big deal. Just something for you to think about.

Depo is my friend! I, too, love, love, love it. I’m 2+ years into it, and I’ve spotted for one day, one time about 6 months ago. Other than that I’m period free. (I think my doctor had me get my first shot 5 days into my period, and my period finished out like normal, then I didn’t have another one. Don’t know how it first works out for other people.)

I looked to Depo because I was feeling bad on BC that had too much estrogen. And I didn’t like my husband hounding me every day to take my pill (which I had to take just before bed, else I got real dizzy.) I also was interested in limited or no periods. Mine were rather gruesome. 7-9 days long and heavy, to say the least. I always felt like I was wearing a belt of fire during those long days, and I was ultra bitchy. I napped all the time, and often missed work. So, in this regard, Depo has been a blessing.

As far as weight gain, I lost 40 pounds on Depo through moderate, but ample diet and exercise. And I’ve gained weight when I was a bad girl, though I don’t believe it was the fault of Depo - only me slacking.

I’m sorry for anyone who has had a bad experience. Everyone and every body is different. And it is a big commitment to pump that directly into your system, knowing you can’t stop or take it out. I had a sit-down consultation with my doctor before starting Depo. We talked about the pros and possible cons, and about when my husband and I were interested in children, etc. (She said conception could take up to 18 months after stopping Depo.)

Anyway, hope you love it too. (Anyone heard anything good/bad about Seasonale? I heard the patch leaves rashes.)

I’d considered Ortho-Evra, but I don’t think I’d like wearing it all the time. I wouldn’t be afraid of it fallling off or anything, but it would annoy me having something stuck to my body for three weeks out of the month.

I think that if I have a bad experience with Depo, I’ll probably try Seasonale.

I adore being on Depo. The first few months I was on it, I had weird periods (really light and much longer than usual) but then they went away all together. No change to my sex drive. I gained about 5 pounds, but that’s more easily attributed to me not going to the gym anymore. I do get more zits on my face than I used to, but not by a lot.

I was on it for 3 years. It did make me hungrier for about a week after my shot, but then my appetite went back to normal. I didn’t gain any weight.

Good: no period! No cramps, no bleeding, it was great!

Bad: I would have very light spotting off and on, until the last year, when I spotted nearly every day. I also had to use lube for sex, because I could never get wet anymore on my own. It didn’t affect my sex drive, though. The worst side effect was the major depression DP caused for me. Like others, it was effective mostly because I didn’t feel like meeting people or leaving my apartment.

I’ve been off it for a year and 3 months, and my cycles and mood are just now getting back to normal.

Sounds like I’m the long-timer here… 9 years and counting.

Weight gain: probably close to the 25-30 lbs - but some of that was lifestyle change. I’ve been on an exercise program for the last few years & haven’t really seen it coming off, so it may be a metabolism thing for me; however, I need to work on the diet portion, too.

Sex Drive: yes, it diminished. However, when I’m near the end of a shot, I can definitely tell :smiley:

Periods: I can practically count the occurrences of spotting/bleeding on one hand since I started. This is a BIG plus for me - I HATED having my period!

Planning on remaining childfree, so fertility after coming off the shot is not a concern.

Depression/Emotional Upheval: nothing major/out of the ordinary, other than mild PMS near the end of a shot.

I plan on talking to my doctor later this month (physical time) & see if I should be thinking about more permanent BC options, or if remaining on Depo is OK.

Okay so I’ve been on depo for 3 months now I get my second shot on Monday. The first month I bled for two weeks which sucked and the next month no period at all and now this last week I’ve been bleeding heavy and had cramping idk if its because I’m about to get my next shot or something but I don’t like it. I’ve also started breaking out a little bit and the last time I had acne I was 13 so I don’t like the acne either. I have not gained any weight I’ve been exercising and taking diet pills trying to get my baby weight off and I’ve lost 12 pounds so far so yea havent experienced any weight gain. I’m going to see if my periods even out after the second shot but if they don’t I think I might get nuvaring but I’ve heard terrible horror story’s about it so idk :frowning:

I am a 40 yr old woman who began taking Depo almost 2 years ago. Prior to Depo my normal weight was about 143ish. I was great with that weight. I got my last Depo shot Feb 2013 and just finished a pack of Lo Estrin birth control pills and I happy to report - my weight is now 154.2 lbs. I topped off at 160lbs in less than 2 years. In just about 2 months I’ve lost 5.4lbs. I was so afraid the weight wouldn’t begin to come off but oddly enough for me it did. I never used to get on a scale until this awful pill had my clothes fitting tighter and tighter each week. I guess it really all depends on your metabolism if you lose the weight or not. I too work out regularly so I’d like to this that helps. I never had a weight problem til that shot - and it’s not the shot itself - it’s your appetite!!! OMG - I was hungry and munching alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the time. It’s funny because I can really tell how my appetite has totally decreased since being off the shot. For the convenience, it’s great, but the weight gain is a nightmare and kinda just creeps up on you unitl it’s too late. So, I guess it’s a personal choice in the decision to get it. If you’re concerned about weight gain then I would say you may want to find an alternative birth control. And too - the first 2 shots - my period was really wacky!!! I would spot for a day or two then have a full blown cycle for 3 weeks. I don’t know if they’ve done enough research on this shot to satify me just yet. I hope this sheds some light on your situation and good luck :slight_smile:

Didn’t make it through a whole year – started out okay but ended up with constant heavy bleeding, mutant fibroids and surgery. No absolute proof they were connected but some research showed I wasn’t the only one with this outcome. Wouldn’t recommend Depo based on my miserable experience.

My sister was on Depo for ten years. She did like it when she was on it, however she had to stop using it because it had contributed to bone density loss. (she’s 34 and was told she had the bone density of a 60 year old) She stopped taking it last year and became pregnant two months ago.