Thank you, Scott Brown! (Gratitude from a Progressive)

Moved from The BBQ Pit to Great Debates.

Pit Moderator

They weakened the bill several times to get some Repubs on board. They met in conference and gave in over and over making it a bad bill for everybody. It was a mistake.
Obama came out today with a remodeling of the banks. If he did that last week, Coakley would have won. Since she did not, Obama can not float along doing middle ground crap that will please nobody. They will get murdered for being Republical Lite in the next election. They may be finally getting the message.

You are ignoring the glorious potentials of genetic engineering.

What a wonderful time to be alive! :slight_smile:


– Dick Cheney

Exactly. I mean, simultaneous mutual buggering is one thing, but necrophilic simultaneous mutual buggering is just wrong.

Um, by the way conservatives, ya might wanna take a gander at these numbers:

(Bolding added for emphasis.)


So much for conservative pipe dreams of:


I don’t even know what world you’re living in here. The Democrats have bent over backwards trying to make this bill palatable to the Republicans, who absolutely positively were NEVER going to vote yes on it from Day One. The bill has been so watered down that the not-center-left has been calling for the bill to be killed because it doesn’t actually DO anything, really.

There have to be two parties willing to give and take for that to work, and the Republicans forgot what “compromise” meant the minute Obama was elected.

They didn’t care about compromise before he was elected either. They demand absolute compliance, and accept nothing less.

That’s the BEAUTY of it!

– Dick Cheney

This strikes me as a severe understatement. It’s more like a parody of a Three Stooges movie. Given the importance to America, and the importance of America to the rest of the world, it’s hard to keep laughing. Question to historians: has there ever been anything really like this? I know politics is hardball, but this sustained bullshit insults everyone’s intelligence. Even Joe McCarthy was eventually collared by his own party.

Blalron, you’re responding to nonsense as though you think facts are relevant to these guys; instead truth is turned inside-out before it even airs on network news. There are exalted Professors spouting nonsense; imagine the ignorance level of the “little guys”? (I had a brief economics debate with an American who thinks of himself as intellectual recently, and mentioned Krugman’s Nobel Prize. “Never heard of Paul Krugman” was the answer.)

One thing that surprises me is that centrists and progressives aren’t screaming in rage(*). I live a contented retired life in an isolated place with little TV; I think stress would be aging me prematurely if I lived in America.

(*) Straight Dope is a very intelligent forum. I know there are other forums to view if I’m looking for screams of rage. Unfortunately, many such “left-wing” screams also seem foolish (though nowhere near as foolish as those from the right).

Hear, hear!

See also here and here.