Thanks, Obama!

Lancia, I’m so glad for you and your college. I hope other schools can produce such results as well, perhaps by imitating you.

This is very frustrating. I thought it might be fun to go back to school for a Geology degree. (I’ve no use for it; I just thought it would be interesting. My sister used to say I have rocks in my head, so…) The President and others have been saying we need more people getting STEM degrees. Great! Count me in!

But just try to find a Physics class. I need to take three of them in a row. One problem is that there are two Physics teachers at the local college, and by all accounts both of them suck. The larger problem is that nobody offers Physics classes in the evenings, when working people can take them. Not the community college, not the university… I guess I should just stick to airplanes instead of learning Geology.

No wish to highjack Lancia’s thread, but I’m self-employed. The work I do is so boring that no one can remember what I do. People always say, “Health insurance, right?” when they meet me for the second time. No, but close enough. :slight_smile:

Lancia, I’m really glad to hear from someone who has actually been through the program and can speak in an informed way as to its benefits. Thanks again for sharing your experience, and best to you in your future endeavors!

I’m sensing a Portland-area Dopefest would be doable in the next few months. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Sounds good.

Johnny L.A., any online? Not ideal, but my wife took a couple of term of anatomy and physiology online from a community college, with a once-a-week on-campus lab she was able to fit into her work week.

Physics is a lab class.

glad to hear it!

waves from Jackson County