The Banning of Shodan

He has issued his fair share of snide one-liners, but his most recent warning was not one. Nor were any of the other warnings listed in his suspension, IIRC.


Oooh, burn.:smiley:

I normally would be against the banning, as he has only had a micro-suspension. A normal suspension would be the normal step before a banning

However, in this case, two of his Warnings were for trolling, and I think that should change things. Combine this with previous admissions that he posted to needle people, that shows he was not posting in good faith.

And his most recent Warning is entirely consistent with that–including the word “harpy” after being told that it was not allowed and pissed people off. It fits his bad faith posting style, and could easily be argued to be yet another attempt at trolling.

The poster offered up for comparison is Budget Player Cadet. I see no indication that he ever posted in bad faith or ever intended to rile people up. He just had trouble containing his temper. It makes sense to me that he would be given a longer leash.

I do not think that there is much chance that Shodan, if given a suspension instead of a banning, would upon return stop his habit of trying to rile people up while staying just shy of the rules. As such, I definitely see the argument that another ban would not be fruitful.

I do however admit I am biased, in that I did not like Shodan and did not think well of him. My opinion of him trying to rile people up is based not only on his own admissions, but things he’s said to me personally, where the only purpose I could see was trying to rile me up.

Good moderation.

Here’s an analogy:

If you or I go out and buy some beer and get blasted at a backyard BBQ that’s perfectly legal. It might be seen as tacky or low class by some, but we won’t be penalized.

Someone who has a long rap sheet and is on probation, one the terms of their probation being “do not drink”, who does the exact same thing we just did can go to jail.

Given his history, Shodan was on a sort of probation - he was very specifically told to avoid a certain type of behavior if he wanted to keep his posting privileges and he failed to do that. So he went to “jail”.

That’s why the word “harpy” got him banned where for you or me it wouldn’t.

Really? I think I’ve been hearing that for a decade. Or do you know something you might want to share?

Yeah, we old farts aren’t going anywhere soon. Suck it up.

Just the overall economic shellacking and craziness of the world that we’re in for. Even if the SDMB survives 2020, we’ve been living on borrowed time forever and someone will eventually pull the plug.

The board will probably time out if he tries to share anything.

As for Shodan, I detested him but that banning is very weak. I wonder who is next?

I recall in the 2008 election when he outright let it be known that he was gonna troll, and IMO he should have been banned then. Long, long, long overdue. I bet he gets reinstated anyway.

Not a fan of Shodan at all. Not a nice person IMO.

Terrible weak ban.

Just make everyone take a myers briggs and political compass test before posting.

If there was ever an indication of the arbitrary nature of moderation on the Dope, this is it. Bad decision.

I don’t think he should be banned for one warning in eight months. If he runs up another couple of warnings, then give him a thirty day suspension. And if he gets a warning after that, then ban him. It’s the same treatment you’ve given many other posters before him, including RioRico.

That was exactly what I was referring to, and not to call out that other poster by name as he cannot defend himself, I feel his posting style is much more provocative than Shodan’s ever was, and again, 20 years!

How did he last this long if he cannot control himself? Could it possibly be, and I mean this in all seriousness, that the moderation has just taken an improper or unfortunate tack and has unconsciously let its bias into the mod decisions?

Unsurprisingly the “He was only banned because of his views” contingent are out, as they often are in these circumstances. Never mind that he’s been openly trolling for over a decade, something for which he’s been warned more than once. No, it must be because of his politics, because there can be no other reason for it.

That said, I am surprised this is the one he went out on, although given that he was explicitly aware that the use of “harpy” was considered against Board rules this appears to be less about one sexist word and more about his ongoing tendency to push - and occasionally flout - board rules and mod instructions.

Shodan was capable of intelligent and constructive debate but preferred to apply his talents to making this board a worse place. I won’t miss him.

The answer IMO is that he has been getting progressively worse and more blatant in his behavior.

This is often the case when long-time posters (of all sorts) get banned - for whatever reason they go off the rails and stop exercising the judgement that previously kept them from violating Board rules. For some it’s a sudden off-ramp to Crazytown; for others there’s a steady creep toward the boundary, and over time they put more and more toes over the line until one day they’re fully standing on the other side of it and the hammer comes down. Shodan was in the latter camp but it’s been noticeable.

I agree with every word of this.

“Harpy” is a bannable offense? How about “strumpet” or “fishwife?” The purity spiral and sex negative feminism is getting tedious. You dilettantes are splitting hairs about sexist language and having anti-“misogyny” hugfests while actual misogyny is manifest around you as indigenous women are being annihilated in Canada and the USA, and mass femicide in Mexico is normal. Serious castle in the air bullshit.

As a hardcore lurker who basically only ever logs in to reply to specific topics and issues that have caught my interest, who nevertheless has perused SMDB from time to time for the best part of a decade, and who - as a non-American and a non-native speaker of English - has essentially zero personal involvement or interest in the minutiae of US/Anglosphere social justice issues, I firmly stand behind my position that the declaration of war against misogyny (which, in itself, is not anything bad - this is certainly not the place for juvenile “hurr durr nice bazooms” posts) and the manner it was implemented absolutely signalled the most abrupt turn to the left in my time here. To this day, I’m not sure of the extent real life events should be allowed to spill over into SMDB and prompt the creation of similar overzealous and “protective” board policies.