The Bible Belt you're wearing is cutting off the circulation to your brain.

Unfortunately, in most of the modern variants of modern evangelicism, this isn’t good enough. You are called to proclaim and witness whenever you can, and refusing to talk about it is usually considered very suspect.

For some reason, I really like the fact that I bother them so much. The more tsouris I give 'em, the better.

I suggest you and Gunslinger hie yourselves out here to New York, where we’re every last one of us left-wing, gay, atheist Jews who have abortions every month and wild sex parties every night. “Come for the orgies–stay for the Christian baby-blood Matzoh!”

With all those wild sex parties I’m somewhat surprised you only have one abortion a month;)

Dixie Bushido! I love it! I keep trying to explain these things to my Noo Yawk-born girlfriend, but now I’ll just say it’s “Dixie Bushido” and look all mystic.

My response to people who start preaching about how God hates (insert group here);

“Yup, and as we all know, God is Hate

The shocked looks and stunned silence are usually well worth the price of admission.

I am intrigued by this Dixie Bushido, and would like to know more. Can I learn it even though I’m in Texas?

I would love to see the reactions to an OP here, if it read:

“That kuran you’re holding in your hand is cutting off the circulation to your brain.”


I feel led (sorry, sorry, that was terrible) to say that this could be something to keep in mind. Say that you don’t want to talk about religion at work and they could use that as ammunition to try to convert you even more.

Would it help to get a new job, or is that mindset totally pervasive throughout the area?

PS: Warm climate, mild winters, Dr. Pepper – another place might be Arizona.

Oh yeah, you can learn it anywhere… :smiley:

Depends on your part of Texas. :slight_smile: Seriously, the term is intended to be a humorous stab at quickly describing a set of rules that are literally as codified, obscure, and rigid as Bushido. For the semi-serious student, read the two books I reference above. I know of no better introduction to the ins and outs of Southern manners. Granted, this code of conduct is being eroded, and that’s not entirely a bad thing when it comes to gender roles/racial issues/etc. I’ve also noticed a marked upturn in religious right-wingers seriously crossing the line on religion, but the culture still exists.

And thank God for that.


I thought Dixie Bushido was wordplay; say it really slowly and enunciate well.

I’m being whooshed, aren’t I?

Spot on! I keep telling her “Look, there are RULES!”

The term is most definitely not wordplay…unless of course you’re a sarcastic, fringe practitioner of DB, which is allowed, but only under certain circumstances. :slight_smile:

Probably, “What the hell’s a 'kuran”?

(it’s Qu’ran. Or sometimes Koran.)


Guin,have you already forgotten from my RAM thread that you are a moron, and an idiot? No one likes you, as you smell of wee.


“Atheists for Jesus” made my day. I love this board!

The Fire Ant Festival! I drove up 4 hours from Houston years ago just to check that out. Unless they’ve changed it, some of the highlights are the aforementioned chili cookoff,[ul][li]Fire Ant Parade[/li][li]Fire Ant Roundup (winner has collected the most fireants in a period of time based on weight)[/li][li]Fire Ant Calling Contest[/li][li]Bicycle race “Tour de FireAnt”[/li][/ul]Definitely worth a visit if you’re in that area.

Actually, it’s Qur’an. Yes, the apostrophe represents a sound and cannot be tossed into the word randomly.

Daisy Cutter, if a non-Muslim Doper in Saudi Arabia or similar wants to post a thread about how irritated they are with being constantly evagelized to/pressured by Muslims, they’d get a similar response to racinchikki’s here.

Your anti-Islam rhetoric is getting old.

racinchikki: I recommend telling them you don’t belong to any sect because you find all of them much too liberal. Tell them Johnathan Edwards was the last preacher who taught the truth.

Alternatively, tell them you belong to the Sixth Church of Rodney. :smiley:

There’s always the Church of the Subgenius. Or Cthulhu worship. I’d go for the second. The next time I hafta drive across Alabama, I’m taking a fistful of “Cthulhu is Coming!” stickers with me…