The Biden Administration - the first 1,500 days [NOT an Afghanistan discussion]

Honestly, that’s a nice change from the Trumps; a POTUS and FLOTUS who genuinely love each other.

Well, I read the newspaper this morning and all my usual news sites. And that’s it. I haven’t checked headlines throughout the day, or at all. I don’t know if President Biden has tweeted anything-- I’m guessing not, but it’s okay either way. I assume he’s in his office working hard for the American people, and I’m not worried about going to bed tonight and waking up to find the country on fire.

We’re not out of the woods. It’s not smooth sailing. <Insert your own pessimistic metaphor here.> Yeah, there will be problems. Yeah, there ARE problems. But I’m not afraid of the President anymore or of what dangerous, stupid, destructive thing he is going to say or do while I’m asleep

This is how it’s supposed to be. Carry on, Mr. President. :slightly_smiling_face:

the first puppies arrived at the white house on sunday. smart move by the bidens, they were seen frolicking on the white house grounds today.

I haven’t read this thread but I didn’t know where else to put this; I think it is both notable and good news:

You beat me by a minute. And YES, as far I’m concerned, it’s great news.

I didn’t know Biden could do this by Executive Order.

I’ll add another cite.

This is exactly the right thread. I intended for this to be a place to keep track of what Joe is up to.

Cool. To be honest, the thread title made me think it was a joke thread or something.

Agreeing with both parts of this. He’s doing good things that weren’t even on my list!

– I’m sure he’ll eventually do some things I don’t like. But I’ve got to say that I like the start.

And McConnell has found an excuse and backed down; good on Schumer for not caving. So Biden may be able to get some stuff done that can’t be done by executive action, also – though much of it not easily.

I have a functioning sense of humor.”

WHAT? Why on earth? A joke? <scratches head>

I am not ‘sleepy’, and I can still banter with the best of them.”

Well, I wasn’t sure what to make of a thread title that speaks of “the first 1500 days” of something that is scheduled to last 1461 days. :stuck_out_tongue:

The thread started on Nov. 8. She probably tacked those days on.

Then it would have been 1534 days.

Holy. Fuck. :woman_facepalming:t4: You people kill me.

I guess I should have said “1,500-ish” or “1,500 and change.”

The first 1500 days will take us to February 28, 2025.

Then we can start a new thread about Biden’s next 1422 days.

So what’s Biden’s plan to deal with Democratic obstructionism? He has an extremely small Democratic margin (he can’t even lose one Democratic vote in the Senate). But if you look at the history Democratic Presidents have always lost a few Democratic Senator and/or Representative votes. Look at Obamacare: Obama wanted a stronger program, but he couldn’t get the votes for it–even though he had a Democratic majority that was large enough in the House and Senate.

On one hand, the actions of the Republicans have whipped the Democratic votes better than any Democrat could. And it goes both ways: Biden will sign any bill that comes out of the Democratic Congress. They all know they have two years to get stuff done and the good cannot be made the enemy of the perfect.

On the other hand, Biden and Harris (as former senators), will coordinate with Congress about any legislation they want. They’re not going to push something that risks breaking the Democratic coalition.

So the sign language interpreter who signed for Jen Psaki’s press conference yesterday runs an organization that signs for far right videos. Some of the videos her organization signs for include claims that Michelle Obama is a man, that the virus is a fake, and that Individual 1 won the election.

Federal judges waited for Biden to be inaugurated to step down. One only waited 90 minutes after he was sworn in to turn in her retirement notice.