The Big Bang Theory, Thursday, January 9, 2014 -- "The Occupation Recalibration"

Yes and now I’ll have to check. Thanks for reminding me!

Thirding the idea that $30,000 is a gross underestimate of what Leonard would be getting paid. Both of them should be quite comfortable.

And regarding Sheldon Cooper’s unhappiness at being “forced” to take a vacation; the man is a theoretical physicist. What does he do at the university that he couldn’t do at home?

This recycling of plots is a sign that the show has seriously installed a ski jump ramp.

He’s got a bigger whiteboard to stare at.

The main problem is that plenty of shows have recycled plots, but others do it in a way that makes you look forward to them. Who didn’t love the “big block of cheese” episode each year on “The West Wing”? Or Celebrity Week on Jeopardy?, or the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode?, etc.

I think having an episode each season devoted to Sheldon’s forced vacation could be really fun, if written properly. Unfortunately…

An improvement in some ways over recent episodes but still flawed. The Penny and Leonard story arc was a dud, again.

Yeah, recycling the Sheldon forced to go on vacation thing wasn’t needed. Why couldn’t they come up with other ways to get Sheldon to spend more time in Real Life?

AFF looked very different with her hair pulled back and all. Quite an improvement. Her repeated putdowns of Raj were good.

Captain Sweatpants talked? Why? Next thing you know they’ll show Lonely Larry with a girlfriend.

Fourthing… plus he doesn’t have much of a commute either. He could walk if he wanted to.

Even sitcoms should occasionally nod at reality. Why did no one ask Penny what she was going to live on while she pursues her dream?

If you think BBT is silly and unrealistic, for pete’s sake, don’t watch Two and a Half Men. This week’s episode had Walden and a new woman inventing a gadget that reads thoughts. And Alan at a swingers party with Jeff Probst.

The episode was funny, but they could have done a better job with Penny’s decision to quit the Cheesecake Factory. I wonder if she will move in with Leonard and Sheldon now. No income for rent? I wonder how this will play out.

I’m looking forward to seeing her at auditions, though, perhaps with Sheldon tagging along for the ride.

My guess would be Leonard moves in with her, there’s a number of episodes of Sheldon trying to cope with living alone, and Stuart or Raj moving in with him.

I recognized it - in fact, given that they used such a distinctive comic I thought there’d be some sort of payoff regarding the issue.

The thing is, they’re inconsistent about it. The beginning of this season, we saw Stuart get $1400 from a single sale to Sheldon. While the store was dead in this ep, when we see the guys on new comics day there’s always a decent crowd - and really, that’s the only time one is busy. He seems to only be failing when they need a cheap joke.

The sensible thing to do from a writer perspective? Give Penny a job there, where an attractive blonde talking to customers once a week would trump everything the competition is doing and no one would care what a crappy job she does (besides Sheldon).

That $1400 probably just paid bills he was already in arrears on. That was likely his best sale in years.

Penny getting the job has some merit, her time could be very flexible and it would be a fairly easy way to get Stuart out of overwhelming debt. They would probably have a sitcommie way to get her the job though as Stuart could not think of hiring someone right now. Maybe he would have to get hospitalize for a bit and the guys or at least Raj help out at night and Penny during the day as she has the time. Then they realize how much sales go up when Penny’s there? Not brilliant but clearly a possible way to go. Could give Sheldon an excuse to organize the store, he loves that anyway.

Put Penny in the Wonder Woman outfit and let her lure customers into the store.

I doubt he used butter. WD-40, maybe.

Perhaps it might make sense from a writer’s perspective. But Stuart is so broke that he’s living in the back of his store. How could he afford to pay her? Surely she’d make more money if she went back to The Cheesecake Factory.

Penny’s, er, assets are wasted at the Cheesecake Factory. She’d make a great living working at a bar where businessmen got shitfaced after work.

One thing that I like about BBT is that the main characters all have good jobs. The poor schmuck thing has been done to death.

I would like to see Penny in a Hooters ( or similar) outfit!

Its kind of a mystery how she managed to live by herself when she was working at the Cheesecake Factory. I think they should just do an episode of Penny doing Yoga…I would be alright with that.

He’d be able to pay her with money from the increased sales. The other store is doing bang-up sales with pretty much the same merchandise as Stuart. Is it the coffee and free popcorn, or is it the absence of the miasma of despair emitted by a clinically depressed sickly comic geek? One way to find out is replace him with an attractive blonde.

Or they could have Penny become TBBT universe’s version of Jenna Marbles (okay, she’s more like a straight Hannah Harto with Marble’s looks) and find success as a social networking star, perhaps spring-boarded by her appearance on “Fun with Flags” going viral.

What, you missed the first 2 seasons? That sort of outfit was all she wore when she wasn’t wearing her Cheesecake Factory uniform.