The Big Hawaiian Trip: Mr & Mr DMark Report Back On Their First Trip To Hawaii

As Dmark prob’ly knows by now, ancient Hawaii (OK, Hawai’i) lament. Not precisely translatable, you have to feel it in your soul.

BTW, ouryL, there is a similar phrase in NW Florida (otherwise known as Boggy Bayou) to a “duck drowner,” it’s a “frog strangler.”

Thanks to all of you for the trip report; I enjoyed it immensly. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I fear for the cow.

The word “auwei” is very similar to the German word they use when suffering pain. I clicked on your link and saw it was certainly wet today…however, I see the forecast if for sun from then on…timing is everything…ours sucked, but hope the state dries off soon. From local television footage while we were there, it wasn’t funny in parts of Hawai’i.

A thousand apologies to both of you gentlemen! :o

My experience with Japanese tourists is 15 years out of date, but most of the ones I dealt with were couples or families, with the odd large group. One tour group I dealt with routinely at 2 companies was made up almost exclusively of tourists in their 60’s and older from out in the countryside. While most of them stayed with the set tour schedule, every so often, we’d get a couple of Japanese little old ladies who were determined to see Oahu by taking a trip on the Circle Island route on The Bus, Oahu’s mass transit. They always worried me a bit, but they had a good time!

I know what you mean about the ocean front rooms. One of the things I did was help tourists with check in and then take them up to their rooms. I liked seeing the looks on their faces when they’d see the view from those rooms!


Gott im Himmel!!

Woohoo! You see, [SPOILED BRAT ALERT] I was in Hawaii in December/January. It was very nice. Now, my birthday is next week, and my mummy is taking me to Maui. Again. For another week. Either the last week of April or the first week of May. I didn’t ask for this! I don’t deserve this! But oh my, am I excited! [/END SPOILED BRAT ALERT]. Anyway, we’ve never been during this time of year, so we were worried about how the weather would be.

My parents have been to Oahu, the Big Island, and Maui. My mum really didn’t like Oahu for some reason, and she loved the Big Island but always says she doesn’t think kids would have ask much fun, so it’s Maui we always stay on.

I agree about people not “getting” Hawaii. A lot of people will say things like “Well, Mexico’s cheaper…” and stuff, and you can’t really explain why it’s not the same. There’s just something about Hawaii, the smell and the taste of the air; it’s wonderful. And standing on Hale’akala watching the sun rise was an experience that won’t ever leave me.

So woohoo I’m excited about going back! And Mr and Mr DMark, I’m glad you enjoyed your trip!

So sorry about the crappy weather. I went in April '04 and have 8 months to go before I return.

On Yahoo they reported that a dam broke in Kauai due to the heavy rains. 9 people are missing. :frowning:

I wish you a wonderful trip as well…still mystified why anybody would go back to Maui for the second time, but I guess if the weather is better and you like snorkling, it might be what you are looking for. As mentioned, I would far prefer to get the big city/beach life of Honolulu than the s l o w pace of Maui, but whatever - have a great time…oh, and be sure to buy something at an ABC store…I think you won’t have a problem finding one.