The bTruth About NASA's Moon Exploration!!!

I wouldn’t call Sibrel a human. Well, not an intelligent human anyway.:smiley:

I never used the word “intelligent”, and certainly not in referring to him. :stuck_out_tongue:

And one of them displayed physical aggression when the “official” version of events was questioned, going so far as to hit someone simply seeking the truth.

It’s a computer sciency term.

Then I guess I went to the wrong college.

I think it’s of particular significance that all the recovered life forms required immersion in
DiHydrogenOxide before they could be released.

I’m pretty sure that only one or two were immersed, and that was accidental.

is it a Fnord?

It’s probably a Birthday Truth. Or a Business Truth. I don’t know – I don’t have my ears.

Chemistry uses nomenclature. It is called Dihydrogen monoxide (as contracted from Mono-Oxide).

Sheesh. Rookies.

Here’s the original article:

I’m perturbed by the idea that, yes, human space travel is the species’ crowning achievement, but dogs went there first, and they weren’t even trying!

Gimme a break, it was 2 AM.

I’m glad they are sending the probe to Titan instead of Europa, even though it’s closer. I saw a documentary about that once and it seems like a bad idea.

I Laika the way this conversation is going.

At one point they were planning an all male mission to Mars, however it was canceled after the robots residing there made it clear that they would not in fact find more candy bars.

Meanwhile, plans have been shelved that would have sent a team of all female astronauts to Jupiter. Data indicated that somehow the properties of that planet could possibly make them more stupider.

[sub][sup]somewhere the wind WOOOSHes through a playground[/sup][/sub]

And a pox on those that use Hungarian notation. They may not know that they’re wrong, but they are.

Hey, just saw that there was this thread about my Moon post. I love the point about one of the lifeforms having attacked a human – I’m totally using that next time I talk about this.

Who was the lifeform who infiltrated a branch of the U.S. government? (I presume not John Glenn, since he wasn’t on the moon.)

Also, I like the part about the dogs being in space first and they weren’t even trying.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion!

Hey, that was mine! Glad you liked it.

I think the person who posted that meant Harrison Schmitt, who was a Senator for one term.

Ding Ding Ding!!!

You guys laugh now. But when that NASA probe starts sending back reports that something is moving around on Titan, don’t say you weren’t warned.