The bulls in rodeos are so mean

The latter would be the start of the contest, right? :wink:

Nice :+1: :grinning:

A banker I know decided to get into raising ostrich ~20 years ago. I stopped out and he was giving me a tour of his farm. His “farmhand” didn’t know we were walking through one of the pastures when he let one of the nasty/aggressive males out of the barn.

The bird charged at us, and we ran like hell for the fence, which stops 3 feet shy of the ground, so you can roll out. I didn’t make the fence, and the big male kicked me (they kick forward). I was wearing jeans, and the kick made a snapping sound, that the banker thought was my femur fracturing. He tried to lift me across his shoulders to carry me the rest of the way to the fence. He nearly killed himself with the effort.

My leg wasn’t fractured, but I had a helluva bruise involving the entire back of my thigh.

Count yourself lucky. Ostriches can kill people, and so can cassowaries.

The old bull stands at the top of his field watching the cows grazing at the bottom. The farmer leads a nervous young bull in and stands back to see what will happen.

“So,” the youngster says. “How about we run down and have one of those cows then?”

The oldster looks at him and snorts. “Nah! Let’s walk down and have them all.”

Yep, and the correct thing would have been to fall to the ground and allow the bird to stomp us (rather than kick). My banker friend eventually went through a bankruptcy over those damn birds.

Yeah, when cows are ready for breeding all bets are off.

When cows are in heat the bulls challenge each other and establish dominance by pushing on each other. Most of the time this doesn’t cause much injury to other bulls but some will take it too far. A small bull my father was raising eventually got tired of being ‘bullied’ and almost killed the old bull when he finally outgrew him.

If you’re in a field near cows and a bull decides to establish dominance over you it’s not going to end well. I’d argue he isn’t actually trying to kill you but the result will be the same.

I’ve sometimes wondered if bulls (or other intact male mammals) can distinguish between male and female humans? And react differently towards the human as a result? As in, an animal that smells of testosterone might more strongly trigger antagonism than one that doesn’t, or maybe the smell of estrogen serves to dial down any aggression?

Long ago in some otherwise forgotten novel, a plot point was that the owner of a horse stud farm employed mostly women to handle the guiding of the horses to the breeding barns and the washing/disinfection of the horses prior to breeding, on the theory that the horses weren’t as triggered by women. He did have male workers present, too, for brawn purposes if need arose, but they were mostly to keep their distance if possible.

I have no idea is this is true at all.

I’ve seen plenty of evidence that our African Grey Parrot, Rocco, can differentiate male humans from female humans. Although we spend our days together, share meals, etc, he will not allow me to “pet” him. Meanwhile, a random female human can reach out and scratch his head and he will allow it.

When I discussed this with a biologist I know, he insists that birds cannot tell humans apart by sex and that Rocco is just reacting to behavior.

Certainly some cats/dogs appear to be afraid of men but I’d guess that the were picking up on the size of the person and not the sex.

Horses, dogs, and cats, and probably other species, can distinguish humans as to sex, typically manifested as a preference for or fear of. This seems like something some individuals have learned matters, for comfort or safety, through experience.

Men and women smell different, move different, have different voices, etc. Animals probably can tell the difference between human sexes as easily as people can, and possibly easier. Along with a lot of other information (what you had for breakfast, whether you are having a good day, your banking passwords). They just don’t convey that information to you, normally.

If you are asking whether intact male animals become sexually interested in human women, I’d have to guess no, unless there have been unusual experiences leading them to that conclusion – no knowledge of females of their own kind, particular women acting in a certain way (don’t know what way that would be but I know parrots of both sexes might do this).

YouTube begs to differ

Gosh, thanks for those! (sort of).

Other points of interest: female horses, cattle, goats, sheep, will mount other animals when in heat. Mounting is also a dominance behavior in both sexes without it having a sexual intent. Multipurpose!

Male iguanas will show arousal and behave sexually due to pheromones they can detect when human females who are menstruating are nearby.

Citations available, but I’m a bit drunk currently

I, for one, am fine without images of iguana arousal.

Aggressive MFs. Take my word.

Yep, as Ulfreida said, mounting behavior in animals is often more about dominance than sex. My goats do it to each other all the time, and I have 3 wethers (castrated males) and a doe. The boys climb all over each other, it’s part of their wrassling, shoving, head-butting daily behavior. They leave Ma alone unless she’s in season. They’ve tried it with me once or twice and get the Wrath Of All Gods At Once thrown at them. These are big Nubian goats, a solid 125 lbs and more. They are too big for such stupidity and needed to learn that I will not join in that kind of game.

Well, since you brought up THAT species, I feel obligated to link to doper Scylla’s classic thread on the subject:

Goat Porn