The Celebrity Death Pool 2012

Nora Ephron.
Uh, maybe,not so dead… :smack:

50 Cent in the hospital.
… Because the car behind his couldn’t stop on a Dime.
…He was Quartered in the hospital for a few hours and later released.

I wouldn’t give a nickel for his chances.

He’s already out.

That, and he’s been shot something like 6 times.

What, should I have capitalized nickel?

Make that 9. Via Wiki;

On May 24, 2000, Jackson was attacked by a gunman, alleged to be Darryl “Hommo” Baum, outside his grandmother’s former home in South Jamaica, Queens. He went into a friend’s car, but was asked to return to the house to get jewelry.

His son was in the house, while his grandmother was in the front yard.[10] Upon returning to the back seat of the car and already seated, another car pulled up nearby. An assailant then walked up to Jackson’s left side with a 9mm handgun and fired nine shots at close range. **He was shot nine times: in the hand (a round hit his right thumb, to where the bullet passed through and out his little finger), arm, hip, both legs, chest, and his face (his left cheek).[9][14][28]

Shot nine times?

At a nickel per shot, it means then that the next shot will be the money one!

Jumps into basket…

He sounds like prime DeathPool material but nobody has him.

“I’m not dead yet!”

My cousin is married to her niece! I would’ve heard about it!

Well then I’m sorry to say that the L.A. Times and other major news outlets are now reporting her death.

Wouldn’t be the first time they got something wrong because they got it off the internet. I’d wait until tomorrow to be sure.

Well, it won’t affect the pool, nobody has/had her.

Her passing is being reported on the NYT website now with confirmation by her son Jacob Bernstein. I think that settles it.

Michael Jackson’s Tiger.

Which, shouldn’t really surprise me. The cause of death, however, does.

Lung Cancer

Yeah. I don’t understand how that happens either.

Like this?

Or this

I’m pulling for Sandusky to bite it!

Go Jerry Go!

Listen to the Voices inside your head!

We are SO going to Hell!:smiley:

But there is good company in the hand basket.

Did anybody bring beer?

Don Grady, who played Robbie on My Three Sons, dead at age 68.